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Yes, you can change to any of the following 3 investment models. But please note that brokerage is charged when switching.

To do this, see How do I change the model I am invested in? in the Help Centre. 

You can switch between Model Portfolios or alter the combination of Model Portfolios on which your portfolio is constructed at any time. Your instruction will generally be acted upon during the next rebalancing date after receiving your request online.

You can submit this request by taking the following steps:

  • Click My Account and My Investments
  • Select Modify Allocations
  • Click Adjust My Allocation
  • Provide New Allocation Breakdown by Percentage (%) and then select Next
  • Select Verification and use preferred option - Email or SMS
  • Complete Verification

If your request requires additional funds to be transferred then the details will be shown in accordance with what you need to contribute along with the BPAY details unique to your investment account.

If you require assistance, please contact our friendly team via the chat function in the bottom right corner.