{{ modelPortfolio.provider }}

{{ modelPortfolio.shortName }} Portfolio

An easy way to get invested into Aussie shares or add valuable diversity to your existing portfolio.

Why invest in the {{ modelPortfolio.provider }} {{ modelPortfolio.shortName }} Portfolio

InvestSMART’s Australian Equities Portfolio is an easy way to get started in the Australian sharemarket without lots of paperwork, or use it to add valuable diversity to your overall portfolio.

Approved product: This portfolio is available through your Professionally Managed Account (PMA).
Objective: Invest in a portfolio of 1-5 exchange traded funds (ETFs), to diversify risk within Australian shares. Diversification is not only important across asset class but also within each asset class. This way we lower volatility, minimise overall risk, and increase the potential for long term gains.
Suggested Timeframe: {{ modelPortfolio.timeframe || 'N/A' }}
Suitable goals:
Diversifying an existing Australian equity portfolio with less than 20 stocks
Looking for broader exposure to all sectors in the Australian share market
Long term growth for your nest egg or superannuation
Risk: {{ modelPortfolio.riskRatingFull || 'N/A' }}
Minimum initial investments: {{ (modelPortfolio.minimumInitialInvestment | currency:$:0) || 'N/A' }}

Capped management fees

Amount invested Our capped fees
$0 to $100,000 0.55% p.a.
$100,000+ $550 p.a.

Performance# to {{ modelPortfolio.returnDate | date:'dd MMMM yyyy' }} (all returns are annualised)

1 year 3 yrs p.a. 5 yrs p.a. Since Inception p.a.
Total Return {{ modelPortfolio.stats.returns.return1Year | percentage:2:1:'N/A' }} {{ modelPortfolio.stats.returns.return3Year | percentage:2:1:'N/A' }} {{ modelPortfolio.stats.returns.return5Year | percentage:2:1:'N/A' }} {{ modelPortfolio.returnInception | percentage:2:100:'N/A' }}
Average of {{ modelPortfolio.benchmark.peers.peerCount }} peers funds^ {{ modelPortfolio.benchmark.peers.returns.return1Year | percentage:2:1:'N/A' }} {{ modelPortfolio.benchmark.peers.returns.return3Year | percentage:2:1:'N/A' }} {{ modelPortfolio.benchmark.peers.returns.return5Year | percentage:2:1:'N/A' }} {{modelPortfolio.benchmark.peers.returns.returnSinceInception | percentage:2:1:'N/A' }}
Excess to Peers {{ modelPortfolio.stats.returns.return1Year && modelPortfolio.benchmark.peers.returns.return1Year ? modelPortfolio.stats.returns.return1Year - modelPortfolio.benchmark.peers.returns.return1Year : null | percentage:2:1:'N/A' }} {{ modelPortfolio.stats.returns.return3Year && modelPortfolio.benchmark.peers.returns.return3Year ? modelPortfolio.stats.returns.return3Year - modelPortfolio.benchmark.peers.returns.return3Year : null | percentage:2:1:'N/A' }} {{ modelPortfolio.stats.returns.return5Year && modelPortfolio.benchmark.peers.returns.return5Year ? modelPortfolio.stats.returns.return5Year - modelPortfolio.benchmark.peers.returns.return5Year : null | percentage:2:1:'N/A' }} {{ modelPortfolio.returnInception && modelPortfolio.benchmark.peers.returns.returnSinceInception ? modelPortfolio.returnInception/100 - modelPortfolio.benchmark.peers.returns.returnSinceInception : null | percentage:2:1:'N/A' }}
Note: Since Inception (SI) {{ (modelPortfolio.inceptionDate | date:'dd MMM yyyy') || 'N/A' }}. All returns are annualised.

Single asset class portfolios

Gain exposure to one or more asset classes
Single asset class portfolios 1 year p.a. 3 year p.a. 5 year p.a.
{{ i.displayName.includes("(") ? i.displayName.substring(0, i.displayName.indexOf('(')) : i.displayName }} {{ == 'SMA' && != 3 ? 'Portfolio' : == 'Managed Fund' ? 'Fund' : '' }} {{i.stats.returns.adjReturn1Year | percentage:2:0:'N/A'}} {{i.stats.returns.adjReturn3Year | percentage:2:0:'N/A'}} N/A {{i.stats.returns.adjReturn5Year | percentage:2:0:'N/A'}} N/A Learn more Open Account

As of {{ lowCostPerformanceDate | date:'dd MMM yyyy'}} after management and admin fees.

{{ i.shortName.includes("(") ? i.shortName.substring(0, i.shortName.indexOf('(')) : i.shortName }} {{ == 'SMA' && != 3 ? 'Portfolio' : == 'Managed Fund' ? 'Fund' : '' }}
1 year p.a. {{i.stats.returns.adjReturn1Year | percentage:2:0:'N/A'}}
3 year p.a. {{i.stats.returns.adjReturn3Year | percentage:2:0:'N/A'}}
5 year p.a. {{i.stats.returns.adjReturn5Year | percentage:2:0:'N/A'}}
S.I.* (% p.a) {{i.returnInception | percentage:2:100:'N/A'}}
Inception Date {{i.inceptionDate | date:'dd MMM yyyy'}}
Open Account Learn more

As of {{ lowCostPerformanceDate | date:'dd MMM yyyy'}} after management and admin fees.