Managed Funds

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Search Results

Fund name APIR Morningstar
Sector Returns
3 Mth. 1 Yr. 3 Yr.
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Macquarie Mas Diversified Fixed Interest (Closed) RSA0543AU starstarstarstar Bonds - Global / Australia -3.18% 4.30% 4.57%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Perpetual Geared Australian (Closed) RSA0347AU starstarstar Equity Australia Large Geared -3.41% 9.70% 4.59%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Perpetual Industrial (Closed) RSA0551AU starstarstarstarstar Equity Australia Large Value 0.87% 6.32% 6.98%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Platinum International Fund (Closed) RSA0349AU starstarstar Equity World Large Blend 0.47% -1.41% 7.55%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Princ Global Strategy Income (Closed) RSA0544AU starstarstar Non Investment Grade Debt 4.71% 5.53% 17.30%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - RREEF Paladin Property Securities (Closed) RSA0546AU starstarstarstar Equity Australia Real Estate -11.05% 12.19% 14.90%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Suncorp Australian Shares (Closed) RSA0552AU starstarstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 1.36% 10.38% 6.72%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Suncorp Balanced (Closed) RSA0535AU starstarstarstar Multisector Balanced -0.62% 5.98% 6.94%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Suncorp Cash (Closed) RSA0540AU starstarstarstarstar Australian Cash 0.66% 2.77% 3.15%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Suncorp Conservative (Closed) RSA0533AU starstarstarstarstar Multisector Moderate -1.11% 4.79% 5.46%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Suncorp Global Shares (Closed) RSA0557AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend -0.42% -0.90% 12.40%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Suncorp Growth (Closed) RSA0536AU starstarstarstarstar Multisector Growth -0.44% 6.84% 8.13%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Suncorp Guaranteed Cash (Closed) RSA0353AU starstarstarstar Australian Cash 0.36% 1.79% 1.96%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Suncorp High Growth (Closed) RSA0538AU starstarstarstarstar Multisector Aggressive -0.17% 8.69% 9.90%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Suncorp Secure (Closed) RSA0344AU starstarstar Multisector Conservative -0.72% 4.71% 3.25%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Suncorp Traditional Balanced (Closed) RSA0354AU starstarstarstarstar Multisector Balanced -1.72% 3.82% 7.70%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Suncorp Traditional Capital Stable (Closed) RSA0534AU starstarstarstarstar Multisector Conservative -1.13% 4.08% 6.55%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Suncorp Traditional Growth (Closed) RSA0537AU starstarstarstarstar Multisector Growth -0.66% 4.89% 9.24%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Suncorp Traditional High Growth (Closed) RSA0539AU starstarstarstarstar Multisector Aggressive -0.60% 4.96% 9.64%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Suncorp Univ Balanced (Closed) RSA0753AU starstarstarstarstar Multisector Balanced -1.75% 5.18% 6.80%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Suncorp Univ Capital Stable (Closed) RSA0752AU starstarstarstarstar Multisector Moderate -1.71% 4.02% 5.80%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Suncorp Univ Growth (Closed) RSA0754AU starstarstarstarstar Multisector Growth -1.17% 6.69% 9.53%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Tyndall Australian Bond (Closed) RSA0351AU starstarstarstarstar Bonds - Australia -2.92% 3.35% 5.12%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Tyndall Australian Shares Portfolio (Closed) RSA0352AU starstarstar Equity Australia Large Value 3.72% 12.44% 7.80%
Suncorp WSmart TAP - Vanguard Australian Fixed Interest Index (Closed) RSA0541AU starstarstarstar Bonds - Australia -2.93% 3.23% 5.04%

9026 - 9050 of 9394 results

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