Managed Funds

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Search Results

Fund name APIR Morningstar
Sector Returns
3 Mth. 1 Yr. 3 Yr.
AIA SuperSelect - Managed Fund COM0109AU starstarstar Multisector Growth 4.77% 12.73% 6.96%
AIA SuperUnits - Managed Growth SCO0401AU starstarstarstar Multisector Growth 4.47% 13.28% 7.99%
AIA Trust SuperBond Series III - Growth CML0020AU starstarstar Multisector Growth 4.25% 12.15% 6.87%
AIA Trustee SuperBond - Managed CML0515AU starstarstar Multisector Growth 4.23% 12.18% 6.91%
Alpha Growth ETL9255AU starstarstarstar Multisector Growth 4.88% 15.30% 7.17%
AMP - Flexible Lifetime & Custom Super - Macquarie Balanced Growth AMP0706AU starstarstar Multisector Growth 0.94% 13.03% 7.61%
AMP - Multifund Flexible Income Plan - AMP Balanced Growth AMP0475AU starstarstar Multisector Growth 4.46% 13.71% 6.34%
AMP - Prosperity Bond - Managed NML0245AU starstarstar Multisector Growth 2.90% 9.20% 4.79%
AMP - Prosperity Bond - Managed (Mature) NML0387AU starstarstar Multisector Growth 2.40% 9.27% 4.91%
AMP - Prosperity Bond - Managed NEF NML0255AU starstarstar Multisector Growth 2.41% 9.20% 4.91%
AMP - SignatureSuper - Balanced Index AMP0784AU starstarstar Multisector Growth 4.00% 14.44% 6.83%
AMP - SignatureSuper - Future Directions Balanced AMP0798AU starstarstar Multisector Growth 4.47% 13.53% 5.86%
AMP - SignatureSuper Allocated Pension - Balanced Index AMP1137AU starstarstar Multisector Growth 4.36% 15.66% 7.45%
AMP - SignatureSuper Allocated Pension - Future Directions Balanced AMP1080AU starstarstar Multisector Growth 4.89% 15.07% 6.67%
AMP Capital - Balanced Growth AMP0442AU starstarstarstar Multisector Growth 4.57% 14.57% 6.24%
AMP Capital - Balanced Growth A AMP0441AU starstarstar Multisector Growth 4.49% 14.22% 5.91%
AMP Growth Bond - AMP Balanced Growth AMP1190AU starstarstarstar Multisector Growth 3.47% 10.54% 4.63%
AMP Investment Bond - AMP Balanced Growth AMP0215AU starstarstar Multisector Growth 3.45% 10.42% 4.49%
AMP Personal Achiever - AMP Balanced Growth AMP0243AU starstarstar Multisector Growth 3.45% 10.42% 4.49%
AMP Portfolio Plan - Ordinary AMP0205AU starstarstarstarstar Multisector Growth 3.62% 11.13% 5.19%
AMP Portfolio Plan - Superannuation Fund AMP0405AU starstarstarstar Multisector Growth 4.47% 13.60% 6.55%
AMP RD APP - Shielded NML0297AU starstarstar Multisector Growth 3.30% 13.64% 7.33%
AMS Balanced Fund DAM0026AU starstarstar Multisector Growth 2.78% 12.91% 6.20%
ANZ Flexible Income Plan - Growth ANZ0257AU starstarstar Multisector Growth 3.83% 12.18% 6.61%
ANZ Flexible Income Plan - Managed Growth ANZ0031AU starstarstar Multisector Growth 3.83% 12.16% 6.59%

26 - 50 of 1028 results

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