Women's Superannuation: The new safety net

Fortunately, and unfortunately, skills are the fall-back.
By · 15 Sep 2017
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15 Sep 2017
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Summary: A super fund CEO and two academics weigh in on the women's superannuation argument. Policy aside, they give suggestions for what members can do right now. 

Key take-out: Passive top-down strategies are proven to be more effective at funnelling money into super, but for now at least members must actively intervene. This includes asking for what you're worth or paying yourself what you're worth, and it's obvious we're failing on both fronts.

The average Australian woman retires with 47 per cent less than the average man. In dollar terms, if a man is retiring with half a million, a woman retires with $235,000.

Make this simple fact the centre of campaigns, and you have communities willed to action, believes Human Super CEO Pascale Helyar-Moray.

“The focus groups we've done, some women at 50-years-old had $100,000 in super – I was just about ready to cry,” Helyar-Moray tells Eureka Report

“The AFSA (Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia) defines a comfortable retirement as about $43,000 per year. A lot of people don't know this. If you don't know what you're at least aiming for, how can you possibly be expected to get there?

“If they knew, it would rest really heavily on some men's shoulders.”

Helyar-Moray meets women aged 25-65 from all walks of life in her focus groups. She spends most of her time educating these women about how to negotiate for a pay rise.

Assertiveness, and learning the art of asking, is one solution to the super gap.

Pay has long been a pain point. At least back in the day, Women in Super CEO Sandra Buckley tells me, it was blatantly obvious where men were getting paid more than women. Plain and simple, the different pay rates were stipulated on pay slips. Now things aren't so transparent.

From Hollywood to the workforce, the single 55-year-old woman is rendered invisible, and now, she's being overlooked as she sleeps on the streets too. Think of someone sleeping rough and she's probably not what comes to mind.

But according to new data from the Institute of Health and Welfare, the needs for women in the 55-plus age group – “the hidden homeless” – are increasing at a faster rate than men.

Put two and two together and this could be the same woman who was raising children when super was introduced in the 90s.

Building a superannuation safety net

To her students, Susan Thorp, Professor of Finance at the University of Sydney, alternatively sings the praises of skills as a safety net.

Thorp's PhD students are tinkering with the super gap themselves. A few years back one student determined through economic modelling that contribution rates could start out lower and increase as a member's working life progresses.

“My number one piece of advice is to keep working on your capacity as a professional and take any opportunities you can – don't stay still,” says Thorp.

“Super shouldn't be unfair, and it would be great to operate more harmoniously with the income tax system and forms of social security we have, but the complexity is enormous and costly.

“Since right now super is a system that relates to your capacity to earn salaries and wages, it's really important for people to maintain their human capital. It's important to remember the most important asset you own is your skillset.”

Calls for policy changes

With the support from super funds, peak body Women in Super has just launched a campaign to change the super system, centred around a few key tenants, including the Government making a $1000 contribution into the accounts of low-income earners annually.

“Things that require active intervention, like the government co-contribution scheme, are much harder to do and require active administration from both the member and their fund,” adds Thorp.

“The new things on offer to women to help with super are innately more difficult than actions that happen passively. Effective changes happen automatically.”

For now, let's count on manual labour to move mountains. 

New tools to encourage engagement

Data-driven ‘keep the change' programs synced with bank accounts can be effective, Human Super's Helyar-Moray concedes, where for, say every $9 you spend, you elect for another dollar to go to your super fund.

Some super funds are working on sending out emails, text messages and even app reminders to members at critical card-swiping moments, like Friday night drinks, about what a $100 contribution right now could mean for your super in 10 years' time instead.

What about women running businesses, clocking up expenses left, right and centre? They need more reminders to look after themselves.

Many women who run their own businesses haven't spent a cent on super, reveals Marion Baird (pictured right) to Eureka Report, who as the Director of the Women and Work Research Group has done extensive research in the field.  

“There's no conclusive study but we found through our research on women who leave traditional jobs to set up their own businesses they will rarely pay themselves a living wage – and none of those we surveyed paid themselves into a super account,” explains Baird.

“That's a big problem. It can come back to financial literacy. There's a lot of attention on women being entrepreneurial and looking after themselves, but there's very little literacy around setting up your super to look after yourself.

“Women are very good at managing household finances and have discretely looked after this for some time – they're just not great at giving themselves extra money.”

Super contributions for the “substantially self-employed” – that's people earning less than 10 per cent of their income from an employer – are taxed at 15 per cent up to a certain point and before the age of 75. With more women starting businesses, this lesser known piece of legislation is deserving of more attention.

There's competing forces and our attention simply goes elsewhere.

Plain, simple messages

Millennials are rallying for women's rights and starting their own businesses as their mothers retire with nothing to their own names. The invisible woman, or even “the hidden homeless”, might not be the saddest thing though. Millennials swear they won't become like their mothers, that things will change, but are perpetrating the problem by not paying themselves what they're worth.

We should just KISS our problems away. No, that's not surrendering to hopelessness. ‘Keep it simple, stupid' is more than a phrase coined by the US Navy about minimising complexity and should be a mantra for super communicators too.

Super campaigns should be simple and direct to a fault. Super legislation should be easier to understand, because only then, we can pinpoint exactly where it's unfair. And regardless, plain and simple, spare a thought for your future fund and give it your spare change when you can.

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