The fear factor has gripped global markets

The battle for influence in the oil market and renewed concerns in the eurozone have added fresh uncertainty and volatility to commodity and financial markets.
By · 7 Jan 2015
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7 Jan 2015
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The turmoil in world equity and currency markets would tend to suggest that investors have concluded that low oil prices are bad for financial markets and real economies, defying conventional wisdom.

The backdrop for the correlation between falling oil prices and share prices that is now occurring is quite different to the last time this occurred, during the worst of the financial crisis in 2008 and 2009.

That was explicable because the fracturing of markets and the rapid deceleration of real economies -- and the real fears about what could happen to the US and European financial systems -- implied lower demand for oil.

This time the plunge in oil prices reflects an energy surplus because of the dramatic rise in US domestic shale oil and gas production, which has triggered a battle for market share between OPEC and the US.

Cheap oil ought to be good for economies. There are estimates that they will add more than $US100 billion to household disposable incomes this year in the US alone. It should also be good news for import-dependant Europe.

So why the dive in the prices of financial assets, the decline in bond yields in the US and a very sharp spike in the volatility indices that provide a measure of investors' assessment of risk?

There's never a simple explanation for market volatility, but usually it's a mixture of real and financial developments and flows. In clichéd terms, when there are big shifts in equity and bond prices, they reflect changes in the balance between fear and greed.

Before the big sell-off started -- the US stock market began to crack about a month ago -- 2015 was always going to be a year of uncertainty and nervousness in markets because US monetary policy was reaching a post-crisis tipping point.

The US Federal Reserve had ended its bond and mortgage-buying program and was sending muted signals that US official interest rates, near zero, would begin rising for the first time since the crisis sometime this year.

The expectation of US rates rises had already seen capital flowing towards the US, driving up stock prices and, perhaps perversely, pushing bond yields down. It was also reflected in a surging US dollar and consequently depreciation of other currencies against the greenback.

Underpinning the direction of the financial flows and near-record equity market levels was the emergence of quite substantial growth within the real US economy.

This year was also always going to be a significant one for the still flat-lining eurozone, as Mario Draghi and the European Central Bank prepared to embark on their own experiment with quantitative easing, or large-scale purchases of European sovereign debt.

There was also a growing concern about the state of China's economy, which had sustained world economic growth in the post-crisis period. The slowdown in that economy had already hit commodity-producing economies and currencies and developing economies within Asia.

Thus there were already a number of uncertainties embedded in financial markets (risks) approaching the New Year.

The oil prices had started falling, from its peak above $US110 a barrel, mid-year but the decline kept accelerating and turned into a rout towards the end of last year when OPEC decided to maintain its production and Saudi Arabia made it clear that it would do so regardless of the price in order to force higher-cost producers (US shale oil in particular) from the market.

Oil at $US50 a barrel -- below $US50 a barrel for US-priced oil -- clearly is bad news for the US shale oil and gas sector, as well as the economies of oil and gas exporters like Russia, Brazil, Venezuela, Nigeria and Iran. One could add countries with significant energy export sectors, like Australia and Canada, to the list of those affected.

Russia was immediately destabilised by the fall in oil and gas prices.

In the US, energy and the shale sector in particular represents a large (high teens) proportion of the junk bond market. Therefore the collapse in oil prices has generated fears of massive losses for the financiers of more than $US200 billion of energy-related bonds, as well as for equity in the shale oil and gas producers and explorers. Energy companies elsewhere have also been hit, as the sell-offs in BHP Billiton and Santos have demonstrated in this market.

The OPEC producers themselves are obviously affected by the lower prices, with most of them requiring oil prices well above current levels to balance their budgets. They do, however, have massive reserves to call on and the Saudis have indicated that they will do so.

The extent and disposition of the 'petrodollar' holdings isn't well understood because sovereign wealth funds tend to maintain high levels of secrecy, but there are trillions of dollars involved. If a meaningful proportion of those funds were repatriated to the Middle East, it could have an impact on global flows of capital and on asset prices.

There would also be commodity and hedge funds exposed to oil and gas prices as well as conventional investors, all of which would presumably be trying to head for the exits, exacerbating the extent of price declines.

Adding to the layers of uncertainty is the mounting concern about the looming Greek elections and the potential for the leftist coalition, Syriza, to emerge victorious and follow through on its promise to end Greece's austerity program. The threat of a “”Grexit'' from the Eurozone has arisen again, generating new concerns about the stability of Europe and sparking a spike in Greece's sovereign debt yields.

Perhaps reassuringly, unlike the last time there was talk of a Grexit, in 2012, there hasn't (yet) been a contagion effect. The yields on Spanish, Portuguese and Italian bonds have been trending down and are at modest levels.

Nevertheless, the Greek election is creating uncertainty and could create instability elsewhere in the eurozone, as well as adding complexity to the ECB's quantitative easing program.

There were always going to be some volatile and uncertain moments for markets and economies as we entered 2015, with a number of the continuing legacies of the financial crisis heading towards decisive moments.

The battle for influence in the oil market as OPEC tries to reverse the surge towards US energy self-sufficiency and the new wobbles within the eurozone have added additional strains of uncertainty and pushed the balance between fear and greed unequivocally towards fear, at least for the moment.

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