Soothing the franking credits sting

An SMSF contributions strategy to offset potential losses.
By · 11 Oct 2018
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11 Oct 2018
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Summary: How SMSF trustees may be able to offset the impact of Labor's franking credits plan.

Key take-out: APRA-regulated funds will not be affected if fewer than 70 per cent of members are in pension phase.


Question: I recently read that investors using platforms for their pension funds rather than SMSFs also receive refunds of their franking credits on the same basis as for SMSF clients but, given they are in an APRA-regulated fund, they will not be impacted by Labor's franking credit policy. Does that mean as I am in an SMSF in pension mode that I currently receive $100 of ATO tax refund of franking credits, would I continue to receive the same amount if I transfer my assets to an APRA-regulated superannuation fund?

Answer: There has been much conjecture since Bill Shorten announced Labor’s new policy banning tax refunds from franking credits. In fact, there has even been plenty of commentary suggesting the number of SMSFs could fall by more than 20 per cent as a result of the policy.

The basis for this prediction is that members of APRA-regulated superannuation funds – which include retail and industry funds – will not necessarily be disadvantaged by the policy. As a result, one would expect that SMSF members wanting a large degree of exposure to the Australian share market will be forced to move to an APRA fund so they won’t be at a disadvantage.

Research has been conducted finding that SMSF members may not be the only people affected by this policy if it were to become legislation. It has been shown that funds with a typical level of franking credits will not be at a disadvantage as long as under 70 per cent of members are in pension phase.

When more than 70 per cent of members are in pension phase, there would be a reduction in the imputation credits that increase a pension member’s account. Therefore, they would also be affected by the change in the franking credits policy.

To understand how pension members will be disadvantaged when there are not enough members in accumulation phase, you need to understand how the current system works.

In simple terms, a fund with two members in pension phase earning $14,000 in fully franked dividends, with $6,000 in franking credits, currently receives a tax refund of $6,000, with this refund increasing the cash flow and member benefits.

Under Labor’s policy, there would be no tax refund on the franking credits, and the members would be $6,000 worse off.

If the same fund had two other members in accumulation phase making concessional contributions of $40,000, the pension members would still get the benefit of the $6,000 in franking credits, as the credits would be used to pay the income tax of 15 per cent on the $40,000 of contributions.

If instead the fund only had one member in accumulation phase making concessional contributions of $20,000, the pension members would be $3,000 worse off, as the fund would not get a tax refund on the excess franking credits.

This effectively means a fund with more members making taxable concessional contributions will have a greater chance of avoiding the disadvantage under the proposed franking credit policy.

As long as you joined an APRA-regulated fund which had a large percentage of members in accumulation phase, you would receive the same franking credit benefit you are currently receiving.

In fact, Labor’s policy of banning tax refunds for franking credits could actually result in more SMSF members as opposed to a shift away from SMSFs into APRA-regulated funds.

This is because it now could make a great deal of sense for a SMSF with two parents in pension phase to have up to two of their children in accumulation phase join the fund. Currently, the increased administration burden and further complexity often work against having children join a SMSF.

If Labor’s policy becomes legislation, I will have to reconsider my current attitude towards children of original SMSF members joining the fund. This is because you could achieve the same result by having up to two of your children in accumulation phase join your SMSF as members, instead of winding up your SMSF due to losing the benefit of franking credits.

In this situation, you would receive the benefit of the $100 in franking credits, as this would offset $100 in income tax payable on any concessional contributions made, or income earned on the accumulation fund members’ accounts.

For members with large accumulation accounts in excess of the transfer balance cap, the adverse effects of the Labor party’s policy will be reduced.

If the policy does come into effect, SMSF members may need to rethink their current investment allocations. Rather than investing the majority of their funds in the Australian share market – which would result in a loss of a large amount of franking credits and an increased risk of a reduction in their balance due to a share market crash – they may be forced to take a more balanced view regarding their investment allocation across the other investment classes.

The Labor Party policy could result in SMSFs becoming intergenerational family institutions. This would happen when parents start a SMSF, have their children in accumulation phase join the fund when they commence pensions, then after the parents die and their children go into pension phase, their children (i.e. the grandchildren on the original members) join the fund, and so on for each successive generation.

If the Coalition’s plans to increase the number of SMSF members from four to six becomes legislation, and then Labor’s franking credit policy comes into effect, this would assist SMSFs with members in pension phase.

I have also seen situations in which increasing the number of members from four to six allows a SMSF to more easily satisfy the requirement of ensuring the central management of the fund is based in Australia. This is because there is greater flexibility regarding the number of members residing in Australia, and those who may be living or travelling overseas for long periods of time.

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