Rolling the dice on another housing dip

UBS’s latest forecasts suggest the Reserve Bank is wrong.
By · 14 Mar 2019
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14 Mar 2019
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Summary: Economic forces point to more pain in the mortgage belt and a rise in unemployment.

Key take-out: Lenders are set to tighten lending conditions even further, which will have significant flow-on effects.


When you’re an economist and make a forecast which is different to anybody else and you prove to be totally correct it’s always tempting not to throw the dice again with another prediction that goes against the conventional view.

And if you do go again and this time you are wrong your earlier success will be forgotten. This week I found it significant that UBS has decided to take the chance and throw the dice a second time. My readers will remember that last year I took the UBS research work on Australian bank lending very seriously. I didn’t know whether UBS was right or wrong but I could see that they had done detailed research work and probably knew what was going on inside the banks better than the boards. UBS was right.

Once the inflated lending practices of our big banks was discovered by the regulators the lending rules were changed and we saw a big fall in bank lending and as a consequence vast falls in house prices—exactly what UBS had predicted.

Conventional wisdom now has it that the worst is over and we will see dwelling prices stabilise. Accordingly, the Reserve Bank who have been totally wrong in most of their economic forecasts are suggesting that the Australian growth rate will be about 3 per cent this year and I don’t think Treasury will be much different.

But UBS is telling anyone who will listen that once again the Reserve Bank will be completely wrong and ahead of us we have a further tightening by banks and further falls in dwelling prices.

Moreover the dwelling price falls we have already seen are causing Australians to slash their spending and UBS believes that trend will gather momentum and the combination of that lower consumer spending plus a big fall in construction as part of the squeeze will boost Australian unemployment.

UBS don’t take the latest research to the next step to show how this would increase bank problem loans but it is the logical conclusion. When economic forecasters get it right once I usually support them in their second roll of the dice and in this case it coincides with what I am seeing in the market place. However a warning—there are signs that in the few weeks after the Christmas break the housing market is stabilising.

UBS point out that the ALP is miles ahead in the polls so in a few months (subject to the Senate) we can expect the negative gearing clamps and higher capital gains tax plus the retirement tax. The Coalition government will announce massive tax cuts which will stimulate the Australian economy but they will be implemented after the election and the ALP will have its own set of tax “goodies”.

UBS believes that the forces pushing the economy down are too entrenched so it does not matter what the politicians do, they will not change the downturn.

So let’s look at our strategies. The market is already forecasting two interest rate reductions in the coming next 12 months and that certainly will take place if UBS is even half right. And that means that as we discussed last time, flexible house loans are fairly safe.

It also means that all other things being equal the Australian dollar will fall although, of course, Australian dollar predictions need to be matched with what happens in the US. At the moment the US dollar is sucking in money from around the world.

The Australian retail business is tough and we are starting to see some differentiation between sectors. Food retailers are affected much less than department stores and household goods retailers. If UBS is right then retailers of household goods, clothing plus cafes and restaurants will find life pretty tough. Takeaway food will probably be insulated and might even win if people go for cheaper options.

Bank shares will be affected although money will be forced into high yielding stocks as bank deposit rates decline. I must say that while I am supporting UBS I actually hope they are wrong because if they are right it is going to be a pretty tough time in the next 12 months.

This week CBA CEO Matt Comyn revealed that more than 70 CBA employees have been interviewed by the ASIC “close and continuing monitoring” program where regulators are embedded in the business. We have never seen an industry where the regulators have moved into executive ranks and become almost like board members watching what employees are doing.

That is another reason why many banks will be more cautious in lending than they otherwise would be. But at least Comyn was up front.

Westpac CEO Brian Hartzer is peddling the line the banks aren’t the reason for the house price fall. He clearly lives in a very different world to anyone else and that worries me. Banks, including Westpac, made their lending policies too liberal during the boom and were forced by the regulators to tighten their lending rules which slashed the amount of money available to borrowers. In turn they couldn’t afford houses at the old prices.

To suggest banks weren’t an integral part of the fall in dwelling prices stretches the truth. Westpac is less exposed to the financial planning and investment areas than NAB and Commonwealth but when their CEO makes statements that don’t accord with the facts –at least as I see them–you get a little nervous.

And talking about nervousness I know many of my readers will disagree but I have always felt that the best solution to the carbon problem was to take it easy and allow the new technologies which are coming through to replace carbon at a much lower cost than current technologies. But communities are not prepared to wait and want to move ahead. National’s Barnaby Joyce is prepared to split the Coalition on the coal issue; we are seeing the Norwegians selling out of our energy stocks and how difficult it is to get new coal projects off the ground.

The anti-coal forces are developing incredible momentum so when you are looking at your portfolio make sure there is not too much coal in it. That means looking at BHP because coal is an important part of its base. BHP is operating established mines and there is no question about demand for their product but when a substance becomes out of favour by communities no one escapes.

Rio Tinto sold most of their coal and looking back I think they were right. Of course as Australians we rely on coal and gas to generate a vast amount of export revenue so to some extent we are shooting ourselves in the foot but the community view is becoming very strong and Bill Shorten has picked it up and it will obviously help him in the coming election except in Northern Queensland.

And it not just large segments of the main stream media that is anti-coal – it has gone into the education system , particularly the schools.

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