Kerr Neilson outlines Platinum's way forward

On stepping aside, Asia and his new investment pursuits.
By · 28 Feb 2018
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28 Feb 2018
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Platinum Asset Management co-founder Kerr Neilson surprised many last week when he announced he would be stepping down from his CEO role from the start of July in favour of current Chief Investment Office Andrew Clifford, who has been working alongside him since the start back in 1994.

Neilson's decision has spooked investors, with Platinum's share price dropping from $7.82 last week to a current level below $6.60 – in early February it peaked at $8.72. But Neilson, 68, didn't appear to be worried about the short-term performance when we interviewed him this week, as he outlined his plans for the future. Indeed, he was excited as he spoke about his succession at Platinum ($27 billion in FUM), the Asian growth story, and his interests in quantum computing and 3D manufacturing. Below is a transcript of the interview.

Tony Kaye: I'm talking with Kerr Neilson, the Chief Executive of Platinum Asset Management, who last week announced that he will be stepping down as the CEO of Platinum from July 1 this year. Kerr, I wanted to ask you what was behind the timing of your announcement last week?

Kerr Neilson: We've been asked that a lot. There's nothing specific, other than we'd been working on succession planning from the first day we've started. Where it's difficult in this business to pick a date is just the willingness of the team. We've just had this very strong year and after 20, whatever it is, four years our performance is very strong. So that's indicative of the functioning of the team.

I suspect that's as much as a good reason as any that the place is working extremely well. The great look Andrew's [Platinum Chief Investment Officer, Andrew Clifford] put in to reorder the team into smaller groups is paying off in a lot of idea generation. So I think it's just a matter of that. I don't get any younger. And what I'd like to do is focus a little more on very specific areas, rather than covering a multitude of things. I think it's all those things coming together and saying, “Oh well, that's a good arrangement.”

Tony Kaye: You're staying on as Executive Director with a focus on the generation of new investment ideas and company research. What would that actually involve, Kerr?

Kerr Neilson: Well, as Andrew's been saying, these last couple of months I've been doing quite a lot of work on quantum computing. I've been doing a lot of work on 3D manufacturing. It's all those areas I'm quite sort of intrigued by. So, I can be a bit more selfish and do things I'm a bit more amused by, rather than just covering the global scenario. Because remember, there's so much going on when you're running global money.

It's not like running country money, where it's basically finding stocks that have been in a much more confined market. You've got so many choices here. By focusing on that, I might be able to help the other team members, giving them some new ideas, putting it in a conservative way that is usually digestible. All those things come into play when you're given a little more time.

Tony Kaye: The Platinum International Fund is obviously, one of the core products in the Platinum portfolio. That's heavily focused on Asia, in terms of its investment.

Kerr Neilson: Asia.

Tony Kaye: Followed by Europe. Are those two regions, do you see likely to remain the core focus of the Platinum fund?

Kerr Neilson: It's only because, as you know, we find our locations by virtue of where we're buying companies, rather than having a previous destined or predetermined allocation. And what's been happening is, the heart of the emerging market is growing pretty strongly now. There's a realisation that China isn't going to fall in the hole. That the restructuring of some of their primary industry, particularly commodity producing materials, is allowing Chinese profitability to improve dramatically.

And so their banking industry's being refinanced through these companies being profitable again, paying back their debt and so on. So, all those things have washed across Asia. We're only interested in Asia because it's growing quickly, and it's cheaper than in the rest of the world.

Tony Kaye: What about Europe? That remains a large part of the fund, as well.

Kerr Neilson: That's about 23 per cent of the fund. So, there are some specific plays there we're looking at. We have a lot of money in the banks, which we've tended to take down. Now we're looking at a couple of new ideas that are developing. You can't be sure where the next dollar will be allocated in a geographic sense.

And increasingly we pay less attention to that because some people visit companies domiciled in one area, but much of its business could be generated elsewhere. So, we tend to just look at our exposure in terms of the ideas we have in the portfolio rather than where they're domiciled.

Tony Kaye: Of course, the US is quite a low proportion of your fund. Do you see that changing over time?

Kerr Neilson: Well it will, but right now we've got some new investments we're putting in there, but we're just not finding the same valuations. The whole US market is high. Doesn't mean there are not opportunities within it, but we're certainly not bowled over by the number of positions we've got there, in terms of neglected stocks. I think because it's been such a long bull market there, that most of the stocks we see are pretty fully priced.

I'm sure we're missing things. We always do, but it's a question of where is your most perspective? If I can buy a region that is host to companies that are growing at—the region's growing at 6 per cent versus a region growing at 2 or 3 per cent, and the prices are lower in the faster growing area, and it's profitable – I think I'd rather be in the fastest growing as profitable business.

Tony Kaye: Speaking generally, Kerr, Australian investors. They're still pretty underexposed to offshore markets, aren't they, compared to the Australian market? Even those that have got exposure to offshore, they seem to be very heavily focused on the U.S. as we've just spoken about. Do you see that Australian investors are getting a little bit more savvy, in terms of investing overseas?

Kerr Neilson: I wouldn't put it in those terms. I think Australia has been such a remarkable, profitable place to be for many investors for so long that they've got into the habit of thinking in terms of well, why take the risk as they perceive it, by going abroad? And the risks they tend to categorize, they talk about currency risk and they talk about not knowing the companies.

In fact, they're missing the point a bit because over time currencies wash out. They're not such a significant part of the whole score. Anyway, the odds at this level is not going to be a big detractor or a big addition to your returns and I would have thought over a five-year term, but it can have some effect. The real thing is they believe they don't understand these other companies.

If you really cut them to the quick and say, “Well, what do you really understand about the banks here? What do you really understand other than the feeling you have?” They wouldn't be able to describe, in an enumerated way, why they like the banks and why they like the BHP or so on. They give you sort of a painting by numbers type of description, but it wouldn't be a deep understanding, anything more they would have if they were asked to describe Google or Microsoft.

Tony Kaye: A lot of interest has been focused on the passive index funds, in other words ETFs, to gain exposure to international stocks in Australia, compared to using active managers such as yourselves to try and outperform. Where do you think that debate is heading to?

Kerr Neilson: Well it's starting to recede. Our position's always been an ETF is a marvellous solution to people who are actively involved in markets. But it doesn't remove the real problem they face, which is to make that allocation to the next good thing. If you want a low-cost exposure to a broad spectrum of companies, we think an ETF has a place in your portfolio. The trouble is, the way they tend to be used is that they are a water ETF or they're a food shortage ETF or an electric vehicle ETF.

At some stage, they get terribly overpriced because you get everyone thinking they're the first onto the bus and they're in fact, the tenth person on the bus or the hundredth. All that does is give people who are really onto ideas early the opportunity to sell out to these new set of buyers. Somewhere down the track, you've bought your electric vehicle ETF. Now you will choose to sell it. Well, you've got to make that choice.

You've still got to make the choice that you were previously paying a fund manager to make. So that's my only observation of any value on the subject. In terms of the passive versus active, passives as I've just suggested, passives run the risk of always being crowd heavy. Our whole philosophy in why we've outperformed the index on a factor of two is that whenever the crowd's rampant, we want to be out of there. It is the weight of the crowd that gets you to those highly ecstatic states of overvaluation.

Tony Kaye: Getting into that whole area, we've seen a fairly sudden pick-up in market volatility over the past month or so. Is that a concern at all to you?

Kerr Neilson: No. I think it's a reversion back to more sensible things. What is a bit disappointing to me is the dispersion of outcomes. The dispersion of returns has not yet kicked up. That still has to come. That's when we should really make out like bandits.

That's the best performing versus the worst performing stocks is at a very low level of dispersion. There's very not very much gap. Where stock pickers really scores is when that dispersion blows out. When you get the winners versus the losers are much more apparent, more dispersed.

Tony Kaye: How should a retail investor be thinking in these times, of that reversion to the norm? In terms of their overall investment approach?

Kerr Neilson: It should be good for stock pickers. If stock pickers can do well in this market, then they should do extremely well in the next. Because I think that is the inevitable outcome, where you get a normal distribution of ups and downs. That's the winners versus the losers. That's not there yet, but my view is that if you're a very active player and you think you know what you're doing, and you think you are not at the leading edge but not at the tail edge, then by all means use your passive ETF ideas. Don't get onto bitcoin once everyone in the world's got onto it. Don't get onto electric cars once everyone else is there. You've got to get in early. If you are not early, then you're better advised to use a half-reasonable fund manager.

Tony Kaye: Yes, that's very much about picking the trend early.

Kerr Neilson: Or not playing. If you can't pick it early, don't play, because you're just deluding yourself. You're fishing where everyone else is fishing. If you think that improves your chance of finding fish, it could on occasions, but it depends how big your crowd is and how long they've been there.

Tony Kaye: At the end of December, Platinum had about 18 per cent in cash. Has that changed over the past couple of months?

Kerr Neilson: That's not quite accurate. It's a way we describe the shorts and the cash. What that reflects is shorts and cash. That means we've got 72 per cent exposed to markets in total. We've increased our exposure a little since that blowdown at the end of January, because we closed some of our shorts.

Tony Kaye: From an ordinary investor's perspective, what would be a good allocation towards cash in the current climate?

Kerr Neilson: This is the difficult question. In a general sense, should the U.S. market sell off, the initial effect will be worldwide, I'd imagine. It'd be very rare that that wasn't the case. However, because of the devaluation disparities, I would suggest that the markets can kick back quite strongly as we've seen in the recent days.

Normally, I'd be saying to you, “We're very late in the cycle,” and words like that but because of the continuing growth in Asia, I'm not sure that's entirely true. I think Asia could have several years of quite strong growth and very good profit growth, which has not been the case until a year ago. It's a little counterintuitive.

Tony Kaye: One last question, Kerr. If I was an investor with just $1000 to invest right now, where would you be putting it?

Kerr Neilson: I'd be putting it in Asia.

Tony Kaye: Linking it to the wider Asian growth?

Kerr Neilson: Yeah, because what we have is a set of countries that have been extremely frugal over the last 20 years as they've dragged themselves out of that IMF induced contraction. That so-called Asia crisis. All of them promise never to get into that position again, so they've ceased borrowing foreign denominated loans. They got their government surpluses in place. They got the average punter to reduce his indebtedness. It is the antithesis of the West where in America and Britain you've got personal debt is reaching new highs, not as a proportion of incomes but the amount of outstanding debt is at new highs, or close to new highs.

Whereas, these other places have by comparison, low personal debt. Virtually half the level of government debt of any of the western countries. Huge current account surpluses because they've got themselves into underused large sources and hence, garnishing resources to foreigners. That's a way of describing a current account surplus. They're almost bulletproof, because they're not deficit spending. They're not borrowing money to spend. They're just much more robust.

The world I see for the next 15 years or so, is where Asia simply keeps rolling and the West keeps being tossed and turned between having more debt than they really need and political uncertainties which are becoming more apparent, and in some ways more risk than in Asia. That sounds like some sort of brainwashed idiot, but it's precisely because it's taken so long to form that we now have this whole Asian bloc. You look at the change in exports from Korea and Japan towards its own region, and it's gone up.

There's ever more dependency on Asia rather than on the West. It's becoming more of a self-contained system, in my view. Which doesn't sit with most of us who read the Western press and who think in a still Western-centric world. But that's missing the point about this huge vacuum that's been opened up by American foreign policy and the nation by the current President of America and so on, which is creating this rift between these two big trading blocs.

Tony Kaye: Thanks very much, Kerr Neilson, for your time today.

Kerr Neilson: Nice talking to you.

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