Is retail property at a turning point?

Checking out Australian retail property with Laura Daquino, where some price tags don't seem to make much sense.
By · 27 May 2019
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27 May 2019
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Unloved for so long, there’s a view that retail is the one to watch at the turn of the property market, given it’s where the top-end of town seems to be surveying.

Some are quick to point out the differential between yields in listed and direct markets. Right now, the direct market is transacting at higher multiples than the listed sector, which continues to lag.

Scentre Group selling half its stake in Westfield Burwood to Perth-owned outfit Perron Group for $575 million has been flagged as a turning-point transaction.

Westfield Burwood’s total turnover from retail sales each year falls shy of $500 million. The asset sold at a 4.1 per cent premium to December book value.

While the publicly listed Scentre has been selling down assets, in an area it focuses exclusively on, private investors such as Perron seem to be showing an increasing appetite. It may seem to send a mixed signal when the top-end of town is buying, but the biggest companies in the space are cashing up.

Among other things, SG Hiscock chairman and managing director Stephen Hiscock, thinks when a sophisticated investor starts paying above book value for assets, it’s worth paying attention. And that’s exactly what’s happening now.

Just a gap, or deep value?

Hiscock says while everyone “hates retail” and it’s an area where “it’s so easy to sound super-bearish” there are high-profile companies flying under the radar as opportunities. He points to Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield, which is trading at an implied investment yield of 6 per cent when its centres are transacting in the market at 4 per cent yield.

“Something is really, really wrong here, and as always, it will probably meet somewhere in the middle,” says Hiscock.

“The direct market will probably reprice downwards, with shopping centre transactions going at softer prices, but the listed market is definitely well over-discounting.

“It’s interesting, the bifurcation between the listed market and unlisted market is as wide as we have seen for probably 20 years.”

Perron has been on a Westfield buying spree as of late, snapping up half shares in Westfield centres in Woden, Melbourne’s Airport West and Geelong, as it diversifies beyond its vehicle distribution network.

“That, to us, means the most astute long-term property investors in Australia do not believe retail is dead – it’s alive and kicking and changing its face, and centres will become much more entertainment-based, customer-experience hubs than traditional outlets, but they will still be there in 20 years.”

Taking its own view, investment bank Macquarie has labelled Westfield as the real winner in this scenario, citing that Burwood has “limited development upside” for a partner to profit from. Nonetheless, the half-sale “strategically makes sense” and the asset is still of “sufficient quality” for a partner to consider. 

Quite a matter-of-fact approach, on the surface neither optimistic nor pessimistic. But where some are pointing to a sale at a premium to book value being a positive readthrough, Macquarie thinks this only puts downward pressure on the rest of the sector as more transactions come to market.

Early days, a strategic play

Janine Yoong, a Sydney-based portfolio manager at Principal Global Investors, which locally has a split focus between fixed income and global property, with an 80 per cent US exposure for the latter, offers a sceptic’s view too.

“The bulls see that as a readthrough for all assets, and the sceptics will probably take the view that’s just one asset and we need to see a lot more transactions before we draw a conclusion,” says Yoong.

“That’s what everyone is trying to figure out. Scentre’s share price didn’t immediately react to the news like you would have thought. It was trading at about a 14 per cent discount to NTA at that point, and for an asset to transact at a 4 per cent premium, you would think there would be a huge reaction.

“I’m still sceptical because with that transaction they just gave us the headline price, and we just don’t know the details – with a lot of these things you can put out a pretty good price, but there might be other arrangements in the background.”

Yoong cautions against investors getting carried away by headlines, being more inclined to view this as retail landlords derisking than anything else just yet.

“One of the reasons it is trading at a discount, despite having really good-quality assets, is the leverage is a bit high,” says Yoong.

“So if you take a view that capitalisation rates are expanding, and they are already for lower-quality retail assets as a factor of online structural headwinds and that sort of thing, then when you have leverage at 33-34 per cent, they are being prudent and bringing down their leverage.

“The only way they can do that is to either raise equity or sell down their assets, and they sell a half-share, then they can manage that for free as well. At the end of the day, the process is returning value for them – they are selling something at a higher yield and paying off debt at a lower cost.”

Modelling the sector

Determining the direction of pricing is tricky, suggests Grant Berry, a director and portfolio manager at SG Hiscock, who begins his investment thesis by looking to prior market cycles instead.

In this sector, Berry is favouring listed retail REITs with top-tier malls for several reasons.

Where in the past the relationship has been weak between capitalisation rates and inflation-linked bonds in the office sector due to supply and demand imbalances, Berry says it’s a different story altogether for blue-chip retail.

That can be explained by several characteristics, such as very high barriers to entry, where assets uniquely occupy large urban footprints, and significantly lower maintenance capital expenditure too.

Despite his optimism, Berry, like many others, is still practicing caution. Going granular, investors may direct their attention to further price falls being built into his modelling.

“Prior to the GFC, inflation-linked bonds were around 3 per cent, while currently they are almost zero.  We assume that they move up to around 100-150 basis points in our pricing and have reference to historical capitalisation rates,” says Berry.

“The reason why we do this is to be conservative, recognising that capitalisation rate levels are lower than prior cycles and in an environment of bond yields at levels, we have never seen before. We take a cautious approach.

“For this reason, we use capitalisation rates that are around 70-100 basis points higher, and this could imply around 15 per cent asset price falls.”

And, roughly speaking, that’s the discounted pricing we are seeing in the listed market, for assets similar in profile to the premium-going Burwood.

Berry singles out weak wage growth as the biggest threat to retail than a softening wealth effect, or even the Amazon effect.

Could Australian retail turn on its dime?

If there’s more bad news around the corner, Citigroup head of real estate, Adrian Dark, learnt a different lesson from history when exploring the impact of the 1990s Australian recession on retail real estate.

Retail rents fell, but it took 6-12 months after the recession for this to happen. Therefore, leases protected earnings, but only in the short-term.

Having started his career in the same recession, Berry remembers this differently to Dark. He recalls 20 per cent vacancy rates for lower-quality centres, such as Brimbank Deer Park, and a plethora of lease boards dotting high streets like Chapel Street and High Street in Melbourne. At the same time though, Chadstone expanded, delivering its Eastern Mall in 1994 and doubling down with its Western Mall in the depths of the GFC –  a strategy that has paid off. 

What's more, if we see the light of another theory, that is, approximately $11 billion of retail property does hit the market, and Macquarie’s supply-led price-squeeze prophecy proves true, Janine Yoong says there’s an Australian dollar-minted lining.

A wildcard, if the dollar continues to slide, that puts pressure on international retailers trading locally. Zara, H&M and Uniqlo all defied retail woes to see their sales climb over the recent period, but a 10 per cent fall in the dollar squeezed their margins (see right for Zara).

Depending on the view investors take, this could be a real headwind or tailwind.

“This sector is priced at a 30 per cent discount in the US, and in the UK and Europe about a 30-40 per cent discount, so we actually look expensive on a global basis,” says Yoong.

“But in terms of retail REITs, if you believe there is an appetite for retail assets out there, a lower Australian dollar just makes them cheaper for offshore buyers. It’s a multi-year story.”

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