How industrial property became a heavyweight

A once boring asset class is now top-shelf for Australian investors, but is its prestige set in concrete?
By · 1 Apr 2019
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1 Apr 2019
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Industrial has pipped office as number one for investors in 2019, but is some of the hype overstated?  

The sector has overtaken office as most attractive for Australian property investors in 2019, according to CBRE’s annual Investor Intentions survey. Globally, industrial and logistics has been the most desirable sector for the last three years.

Industrial comprises refrigeration facilities, data centres, research and development buildings, showrooms, and of course, warehouse, distribution and manufacturing facilities.

At a local level, only 29 per cent of investors listed office as their preferred market sector, down from 45 per cent last year. That’s based on 348 responses, more than half of these coming from real estate funds and developers.

Looking broadly, vacancy rates across many commercial markets are now at 10-year lows, based on REA Group data. Australia’s largest office landlord, Dexus Property, just came off a solid half where it reported profit growth of 15 per cent owing to fixed rental increases, but also the acquisition of an industrial property.

By most reports, the changing retail game is the biggest boon for the industrial property sector. However, whether Australian investors should anticipate the same growth trajectory we’ve seen in residential, or even overseas industrial, is a question worth a closer look. 

Ecommerce the driver

Where industrial was once a boring and behind the scenes market, it’s fast playing catch-up to its flashier residential cousin. In the asset class mix, the back office has become front of house, so to speak. Commercial property specialists claim much of the opportunity has shifted away from the high street.

Industrial comprises refrigeration facilities, data centres, research and development buildings, showrooms, and of course, warehouse, distribution and manufacturing facilities.

Beyond population growth, ecommerce is cited as a key driver for industrial, a trend that’s tearing strips off retail property. Despite the residential slump, listed property companies are on a tear because of this, with Charter Hall and Goodman Group leading the rally. Goodman, which lists Amazon as its biggest customer globally, is up 25 per cent year to date, and Charter Hall nearly 40 per cent.

Charter Hall’s head of industrial, Richard Stacker, believes Australia still has a way to go here, if China and the US are anything to go off. Online sales are expected to double by 2023.

“On a relative basis, Australia in terms of how much spend is online compared to traditional retail, we’re about half that of the US in terms of growth and that probably just means they started that trend earlier than us,” says Stacker.

“If you follow that trend, we will be close to 10 per cent online sales within the next five years, and if you translate that into potential growth for the industrial climate, it’s quite significant.”

Stacker flags the need for greater capital requirements. Warehouses need bigger footprints to handle the kind of volume and turnover generated from online sales, as well as a purpose-built area to process returns.

Christine Miller, head of supply chain at CBRE, sheds more light on this, adding the practical requirements for these facilities must be reengineered, including the clear height and the flooring to smooth concrete so automated guided vehicles can travel seamlessly. 

Industrial property was born in Australia’s urban centres, a bedrock of the blue-collar working class. As supply tightened up and property prices climbed, industrial activity decentralised and spread to fringe areas with infrastructure connectivity.

Right now, there’s a clear appetite for quality industrial properties in our capital cities, but unlike in residential, Stacker doesn't see location, per se, as everything. 

Last-mile… miles out for Australia?

Classifying an industrial asset as blue chip may have more to do with its proximity to infrastructure than anything else. Stacker says it’s important for investors think strategically as cargo doesn’t move well through residential areas.

“The biggest cost with industrial is the cost of transport and getting the goods from A to B,” he adds.

In saying that, Stacker believes the promise of last-mile delivery is overhyped, particularly in an Australian context. It has merit in London and New York, and dense urban areas in Asia, but locally it may be a long shot.

“Most people in Australia are still happy to receive things within a couple of days, maybe a week, not the couple of hours that last-mile promises,” he says.

“We are looking at it, but in places like Sydney, just based on how expensive the land is, last-mile will not work at the moment. The volume is not there. Also, the cost – who pays for that? Is it the end user or the person selling the good? We are not at the point where the end user wants to pay for it, and I can tell you, the etailer does not want to wear that cost either.”

But in the real world, CBRE head of capital markets, forecasting and BTR research, Benjamin Martin-Henry, says we’re seeing industrial assets closer to the city bid up in anticipation of stock and shelves being turned over three or four times per day.

Catch Group is a tenant in Charter Hall’s portfolio, a leading Australian e-tailer that alongside Kogan goes head-to-head with Amazon. Catch operates at the scale where it’s assessing options to go public, and even still, its aim right now is just a 48-hour turnaround from a single distribution centre in Melbourne.

“It’s evolving, but I think investors and people in general need to be less focused on last-mile and instead on the actual opportunity at the moment,” says Stacker. Much of what’s going on now is anticipation. Nothing is set in concrete.

Besides, the Inland Rail connecting Melbourne to Brisbane set for completion by 2024-25 will reduce the transit time between the cities from the current 32-hour period to less than 24 hours. 

Connections with infrastructure 

With infrastructure, warehouse space is naturally required to store raw materials. Over the next four years, a combined $181 billion has been committed to total infrastructure development across four states.

And yet, while industrial is clearly connected to infrastructure, as far as asset classes go, they seem to have different profiles.

Australian infrastructure, often viewed as a bond proxy, outperformed last year as more investors took flights for safety. Risk-off trading has recently gathered momentum again.

Infrastructure is viewed as a defensive asset, a relative safe haven in a risk-off environment. Industrial isn’t exactly countercyclical, and its profile is increasingly becoming more mixed. Industrial investors should also bank on capital growth. 

Port activity as a leading indicator

Industrial investors may like to keep a closer eye on port activity. Charter Hall pays attention to the movement of trade through the ports, which has been ramping up over the last five years to translate into storage requirements.

Asked about the prospect of a global economic downturn or trade tensions, Stacker believes this particular Australian sector has more of a cushion. That’s based on Australia initiating more than 10 free trade agreements since 2000 to have taken “more steps towards trans-liberalisation than any western country in the last few decades”. 

Low yields, but a whale of a WALE

It’s hard for retail investors to directly purchase industrial assets, but there’s another challenge in finding a fund that’s specific to industrial and ticks the right boxes.

Plus, yields are still relatively low.

Charter Hall’s prime industrial product, which has nearly 90 per cent of its properties dotted across Victoria, NSW and QLD, has a yield of 5.5 per cent. Out of 19 funds, this is Charter Hall’s fifth-worst earner in terms of yield.

Yet there’s something else, less talked about, that elevates industrial into the top-shelf. The weighted average lease expiry – or the WALE – is where the defensive aspect of industrial property kicks into gear. And it’s where industrial and office are oceans apart. At Charter Hall, the industrial WALE leads the way across sectors at 10.2 years, while the office WALE lags the rest at 6.7 years.

Source: Charter Hall Group Half-Year Results - Presentation, 22/02/2019

However, recent industrial deals show the WALE is shrinking. In the 12 months to December, a period over which Charter Hall signed on new Woolworths and Liberty tenants, the WALE came down to 9.2 years, eclipsed by social infrastructure at 10.1 years. 

An earnings recession?

Investors wanting liquidity and easier access may look public, but toppy share prices may prove a problem. Morgan Stanley’s local equities team taps into the ASX 200 supersectors – financials, resources and industrials – to warn that an industrials earnings recession looms in Australia. 

Where prior earnings recessions have primarily been linked to resources downturns and global growth, this time, the strategists believe, domestic factors will be the catalyst. Morgan Stanley’s house view is “the domestic-led nature of the next likely episode of earnings weakness will increase the depth and length of the downturn”. Industrials are now more like the banks, in this respect.

At the end of the day, industrial leases are long, and land values are peaking.  

With that, Morgan Stanley – the pied piper among investment banks calling an imminent Australian recession for a couple of years, that is yet to play out – hints that industrial is losing its defensive luster. 

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Laura Daquino
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For more information on the companies discussed in this article, please click on the company of interest... Charter Hall Group (CHC) | Dexus (DXS) | Goodman Group (GMG)
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