How Australian super stacks up

Do we really have bragging rights?
By · 9 Nov 2017
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9 Nov 2017
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Summary: Australia is neither the biggest, nor the best, when it comes to superannuation. We could learn plenty from around the globe.

Key take-out: Australia's pension system is overweight risk assets, heavily dependent on shares, and we fared mid-pack in investment returns leading up to the end of 2016. Investors should note this asset allocation as a reason why local pension funds have been underperforming in recent times, but if the long bull-run in bonds were to end, then Australia's relative performance should improve.


Australians tend to talk rather proudly – maybe even arrogantly – about how good our retirement system is.

The Superannuation Guarantee, the employer-sponsored contributions, the tax-subsidised nature of the system and its returns. Our major grumble, of course, is how often the Government changes the rules.

But a new Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report into global pension markets puts a lot of what happens in Australia into perspective. In a relative sense, we're not the biggest, we're not the best – but we certainly can't claim any great injustice about rule changes. On the plus side, Australia certainly does well at having a large pension system.

Although, our recent performance has been only a little better than okay, but not by much.

We seem to be overweight risk assets – something that has held us back in recent years with the underperformance of equity markets, but that could help us in the future. We just need bond returns to subside and equities to start a stampede.

The OECD's ‘Pension Markets in Focus' compares the pension plans of about 63 OECD and non-OECD countries to shine a spotlight on where Australia could improve.

The good news, globally, is that the losses from the GFC have been made up in most countries. Assets in pension plans hit $US38 trillion in the OECD area in 2016 … but the US makes up a whopping 66 per cent of that total, or $US25.1 trillion.

Australia is one of only eight countries that has more assets overall in its pension plans than the value of its gross domestic product. The others are Canada, Denmark, Iceland, the Netherlands, South Africa, Switzerland and the United States.

The leader at the end of 2016 by way of comparison to GDP is Denmark, which has 209 per cent of GDP in pension plans, followed by the Netherlands (180.3 per cent), Canada (159.2 per cent), Iceland (150.7 per cent), Switzerland (141.6 per cent), the US (134.6 per cent) with Australia coming in seventh on 123.9 per cent.

In the OECD, some of the countries failing on this front include Greece (0.7 per cent), Turkey (4.8 per cent), Austria (6 per cent), Germany (6.8 per cent), Belgium (6.9 per cent) and Slovenia (7 per cent).

And we are one of only six OECD countries that has more than $1 trillion in assets, in addition to Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the US.

The OECD's report goes into some detail about the different sorts of plans around the world, which largely come down to what we know as ‘defined benefit' schemes and ‘defined contribution' schemes. But where the real differences come in is whether they are backed by legislation pushing employers to contribute to the system, or whether they are entirely made up of personal contributions.

Australia fared mid-pack when it came to investment returns in periods leading up to the end of 2016.

Australia had a real return (i.e. above inflation) of just 1.9 per cent in 2016, which placed it 22/30 in the pool of OECD countries assessed on that measure.

However, we finished eighth from 27 on real returns over five years with 5.8 per cent above inflation, and we delivered a real return of 2.9 per cent over 10 years, placing us an equal sixth out of 23 countries.

Where Australia really stands out is asset allocation – we are 'above average' in this respect.

We are one of just four countries that has more than 50 per cent of its assets in shares. At 51 per cent, we sit behind Poland (83 per cent), Hong Kong (60 per cent) and, um, Namibia (58 per cent).

Australian pension funds do hold a reasonable amount of cash, in comparison, but where we sacrifice for money into shares is in ‘bills and bonds', where our 10 per cent allocation is in the bottom handful of the 60-odd countries which provided information on the matter.

Most countries invest most of their money in bonds. Very few have less than 30 per cent of funds invested in them.

Our strong reliance on shares will obviously not serve us well in times of weak equity markets. And equity markets in recent years have not been strong (remember this survey ends at the end of 2016). But if we're nearing the end of the long bull-run in bonds and a return to relative outperformance for equities, then Australia's relative performance should improve.

Nearly one dollar in every five of Australian pension moneys were invested offshore. This didn't place us very highly on the overall list. However, the OECD noted that many of those above us have very small domestic capital equity markets, so have limited opportunity to invest in their own country and need to look externally.

This was most often other European countries. French and German equities, in particular, were preferred homes for these funds.

The report, unfortunately, talks nothing of any detail about the comparison equivalents of self-managed super funds. It does, in passing, talk about IRAs and 401ks (US names for their equivalents of our industry and retail funds).

The information contained in this column should be treated as general advice only. It has not taken anyone's specific circumstances into account. If you are considering a strategy such as those mentioned here, you are strongly advised to consult your adviser/s, as some of the strategies used in these columns are extremely complex and require high-level technical compliance.

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