Gillard in the hall of mirrors

WITH one mighty leap, Julia was ? not free after all. Still stuck fast in the same old mess, in fact. The Prime Minister says she realised as she returned from Gallipoli that a line had been crossed, and that the public's respect for Parliament was threatened by the continuing Thomson and Slipper affairs. Something had to be done, so she did it. Two phone calls and Craig Thomson has stood aside from the Labor Party, Peter Slipper from the speakership. That is as it should be in the circumstances. ...
By · 1 May 2012
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1 May 2012
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WITH one mighty leap, Julia was ? not free after all. Still stuck fast in the same old mess, in fact. The Prime Minister says she realised as she returned from Gallipoli that a line had been crossed, and that the public's respect for Parliament was threatened by the continuing Thomson and Slipper affairs. Something had to be done, so she did it. Two phone calls and Craig Thomson has stood aside from the Labor Party, Peter Slipper from the speakership. That is as it should be in the circumstances. Why then won't it work?

WITH one mighty leap, Julia was ? not free after all. Still stuck fast in the same old mess, in fact. The Prime Minister says she realised as she returned from Gallipoli that a line had been crossed, and that the public's respect for Parliament was threatened by the continuing Thomson and Slipper affairs. Something had to be done, so she did it. Two phone calls and Craig Thomson has stood aside from the Labor Party, Peter Slipper from the speakership. That is as it should be in the circumstances. Why then won't it work?

First, because it is late in the day to be doing what should be done. Gillard explains her delay as the result of dealing with conflicting principles - respect for the sanctity of Parliament, respect for individual rights and the presumption of innocence, the undesirability of forcing parliamentarians to stand aside on the basis of unproved accusations, and so on - which pull in different directions. Voters, being more cynical, will notice Labor's interest in going slow. Labor depends on Thomson's vote. Labor also enjoyed a period of calm when it made Peter Slipper Speaker. And since it enjoyed the advantages of ignoring the two problems as long as it has, voters will quite reasonably say Labor cannot now claim any credit for supposedly fixing them. Talk of principles is just another excuse, just more talk.

Second, not much has changed. Thomson will support Labor from the crossbenches. The Coalition remains deprived of Slipper's vote. Gillard still has the numbers - just - in Parliament. Voters may see through her claims but they were not Gillard's primary audience: she was really out to reassure despairing Labor MPs that she could see how bad things were getting, and could fix them. But in this hall of mirrors, where the leader looks to see if her image finds favour with her backers, and her backers look at the reflection in the eyes of voters, nothing reflects well on the Prime Minister. After so many broken promises and so much deal-making to stay in power, Gillard is losing credibility. She may have some residual credit as a policymaker and a doer of deals, but this latest episode demonstrates yet again that she has no understanding of what people want from a leader of the country.

Leadership is not about mere talk of principles, any more than it is about wrapping oneself in the flag on Anzac Day, or wearing hard hats for the television news. It is about doing the right thing, and belief in a set of values. Things which Labor under Gillard displays too rarely.

The super fiddleFOR a government desperate for budget savings, increasing the tax that very high income earners pay on their superannuation contributions must have looked like an easy option. The changes proposed by the Superannuation Minister, Bill Shorten, will reap the government $1 billion but sympathy for those targeted is unlikely to be widespread - they all earn more than $300,000 a year.

Shorten says the changes are necessary because the very well paid are getting a better deal out of superannuation than "millions of Australians on average incomes". Concessional super contributions are now taxed at a flat rate of 15 per cent regardless of a person's income. Under the government's proposed changes that will rise to 30 per cent for high income earners.

But fiddling with the superannuation system is dangerous. Constant tinkering chips away at its credibility and undermines the confidence of those wanting to provide for themselves when they are old. These changes have been limited to about 130,000 people on high incomes but what's to stop the threshold being lowered in future? Shorten's plans also threaten to make the superannuation system more complex, never a good thing.

This is not to say superannuation reforms should never be made. The current system can be questioned on the grounds of equity. But any changes must be carefully thought through and done with discussion and consultation. Sadly, the latest policy shift has the hallmarks of policymaking on the run. The need for budget savings seems to be the driving motivation rather than the quest for a better superannuation system. The timing of the change makes it look like an ad hoc change to help the government with a short-term political problem: the need to deliver a budget surplus, come what may.

What rationale is there, for example, for making the threshold $300,000? That will still leave those earning between $180,000 and $300,000 getting a bigger tax break than the middle- and low-income earners Shorten says are not being fairly treated.

In 1996 the Howard government introduced a measure similar to Shorten's plan called the super surcharge. At the time it also helped fulfil a promise to return the budget to surplus. But the surcharge was eventually dumped, in part because of the complexity it created.

The superannuation system is too important to be altered for a short-term political fix. Those planning for retirement should be able to do so with certainty.

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