Event-based reporting under TBAR

Do you understand the new rules?
By · 4 Apr 2018
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4 Apr 2018
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Summary: The Tax Office's introduction of the TBAR system has imposed three major deadlines for those with SMSFs.

Key take-out: Knowing when to lodge your TBAR form is important to avoid administrative hassles and a potential notice from the ATO.


Question: Hi guys, loving the content. Just wondering if you can do an article on ‘event-based reporting', looking at the rules, and how to go about providing the info to the ATO?

Answer: The new Transfer Balance Account Reporting (TBAR) system, the acronym of which sounds like a form of transport that skiers use, is being introduced as part of ‘event-based reporting' and is effectively divided into three reporting deadlines.

The first and most pressing deadline will be the requirement for self-managed superannuation funds (SMSF) to report to the Australian Tax Office the balance of each member's retirement phase income stream, including account-based pensions and market linked pensions, as at June 30, 2017 on or before July 1, 2018.

The frequency and deadlines for reporting after this initial TBAR, advising of each member's reportable event that affects their Transfer Balance Account depends on the Total Superannuation Balance (TSB) of each member.

The TSB for each member of an SMSF will be the total of their accumulation accounts and retirement income stream accounts, including life-time pensions, with all super funds and any amount in rollover stage from one super fund to another that is not reflected in a member's account balance.

An SMSF that has a member with a TSB of $1 million or more must report events affecting the member's TBA within 28 days of the end of the quarter in which the event occurs. SMSFs that have all members with a TSB of less than $1 million report any events affecting a member's TBA on the annual return form.

The annual return reporting deadline differs depending on whether an SMSF is an existing fund, a new fund, the fund did not meet a lodgement deadline, and whether the trustees lodge their own return or use a tax agent.

For SMSFs that do not lodge a previous financial year's return on time the due date is October 31 following the end of the financial year to which the return relates to. For funds that have been meeting their lodgement obligations and do not use a tax agent the lodgement deadline is generally February 28 following the end of the financial year.

All new SMSFs must lodge their first annual return by February 28 following the end of the financial year. This lodgement deadline applies to trustees of SMSFs that lodge their own return and also to tax agents. Tax agents often have an extension of time to lodge annual returns for SMSFs, which is generally May 15 following the end of the financial year.

The events that must be reported on a TBAR form, in addition to the first TBAR form reporting members' retirement stream balances at June 30, 2017, include:

  • New retirement phase income streams.

  • Some limited recourse borrowing arrangement payments.

  • Compliance with a commutation authority issued by the ATO.

  • Personal injury structured settlement contributions.

  • Commutations of retirement phase income streams.

The new TBAR system will not significantly add to the administration workload of trustees for funds with members that have a TSB of less than $1 million. Those SMSFs with the more frequent reporting requirement will need to lodge their own form within the deadline, or advise their tax agent or SMSF administration service before the end of each quarter that one of the reportable events occur.

For example, the Peter Keating super fund has two members. Peter has an account-based pension with a balance of $1.6 million at June 30, 2017, and his wife Blanche has an accumulation account balance of $540,000 at June 30, 2018. Blanche turns 65 on October 15, 2018 and commences an account-based pension.

The trustees of the Peter Keating super fund must complete and lodge a TBAR form by January 28, 2019, or if they use an external reporting service advise them so that they can meet the reporting deadline.

By contrast the Paul Costello super fund has only one member that has an account-based pension with the balance at June 30, 2017 of $900,000. Paul has no other superannuation benefits, so he has a TSB of less than $1 million. Paul sells part of his antique clock collection in August 2018, makes a non-concessional contribution of $300,000, and then commences a new account-based pension on September 1, 2018.

Paul's SMSF will not have to report the new account-based retirement phase income stream until the fund lodges its 2019 annual return form, which because he uses an accountant to prepare and lodge the fund's returns could be as late as May 15, 2020.

There could be a number of circumstances when it will be in the interest of trustees to lodge a TBAR form soon after a reportable event occurs, rather than waiting until the deadline. One event is when an account-based pension is fully or partially commuted in an SMSF, the amount in the accumulation account for the member is then rolled over to a commercial or industry fund, and a new account-based pension is commenced.

If a TBAR form is not lodged very soon after the rollover, and the combined value of the amount commuted in the SMSF and the new account-based pension in the commercial or industry fund exceeds $1.6 million, the trustees of the SMSF would face the administrative hassle of dealing with an excess transfer balance account notice from the ATO.

This would occur as a result of the new super fund lodging a TBAR form relating to reportable events on at least a monthly basis. If the trustees of the SMSF do not report the commutation until it lodges its annual return form the member's TBA account could exceed the $1.6 million transfer balance.

An example of this would be Paul Costello, rather than making the non-concessional contribution to his SMSF, deciding to open an account with an industry fund and makes the $300,000 contribution there. Paul then commutes his $900,000 account-based pension in the SMSF on September 1, 2018, rolls the funds into the industry fund, and commences a new account-based pension with that fund.

If Paul reported the commutation of his old account-based pension at the time of lodging his SMSFs 2019 annual return form, he would more than likely receive an excess transfer balance cap notice. This would result from the combined total of his original account-based pension and the new account-based pension he commenced with the industry fund exceeding his TBC.

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