Eureka's Week: Market puzzles, Brexit, China, leverage, the banks

By · 2 Jul 2016
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2 Jul 2016
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Last night

Dow Jones, up 0.11%
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up 0.41%
Aust. dollar, US74.98c

Remember, fear brings opportunity

By John Addis

It's been just over a week since Brexit and investors are getting their heads around it far better than UK politicians. Last Friday, the day after the vote, the S&P/ASX 200 closed down 3.2 per cent but has slowly recovered during the week. In the UK, the FTSE 100 index is up seven per cent for the week – its biggest weekly rally since 2011.

It's all a bit odd. After bailing out the banks and putting the general population through years of austerity to pay for it – unsuccessfully as it happens – UK government debt has doubled in the last decade. The country has lost its AAA credit rating and Fitch forecasts an “abrupt slowdown” in short term growth.

That might be a great result. The Economist Intelligence Unit has revised its UK GDP forecast for next year from plus 1.8 per cent to minus 1 per cent. The OECD believes the UK economy could be three per cent smaller by 2020, when England will, fingers crossed, avoid the mighty Iceland in the next European Championships.

As a reliable measure, consumer confidence, has long struck me as a bit flaky (it's crashed since the UK vote) but the anecdotal stories line up. One survey found a third of people were planning to cut back on big ticket spending, property sales are falling over and the Irish have run out of passport application forms. The panic seems real enough.

Then there's the possibility of a complete EU break up. In France one survey reports 61 per cent have an “unfavourable” view of the union, which compares to 48 per cent in the UK before the vote. A May Ipsos-MORI survey found almost half of voters in eight big EU countries want their own referendum on membership. All this is a tragically long way from the noble ideals of the EU's origins. It's easy to forget how successful the trading bloc has been at reducing centuries-old political tensions and extending democracy to countries that had little of it. Now over-reach is creating the very conditions the EU aimed to reduce. The possibility of Frexit, Nexit and Spexit won't help.

Against the potential for further trouble, the apparent market optimism is perplexing. It's not as if the rest of the world is booming. It's worth understanding why.

A few ASX-listed stocks with UK exposure have been hit, including NAB spin-off CYB, QBE Insurance and financial services software company GBST. Incidentally, this stock, owned by many of our analysts (and me), fell eight per cent since the vote and returned to our Buy List as a result. These were exceptions, though. Generally, the panic has subsided and markets are back to almost where they were before the referendum took place.

The dream-like state continues with four million signatures on a petition calling for a second referendum (as if changing your position on the EU is like switching your order at the local pizza joint), claims that Brexit is unlawful, and Boris Johnson, a prime architect of the chaos, running off to edit The Beano (that's not true, but events are so weird it's conceivable).

The theatrics feel like a variation of the same thing we've witnessed over the last eight years. The prospect of even lower rates and more quantitative easing is back. The aim is to lift financial markets to the point where the confidence fairy will sprinkle a little magic dust and all will be well. Odd as it sounds, in the world of asset prices bad news is good.

So endemic is this policy now that markets price it in as soon as the next crisis rounds the corner. Unfortunately, ordinary voters have learnt that the fairy dust falls mainly on the shoulders of bankers, fund managers and property speculators, not them. When they see shares and house prices rise while their incomes go backwards, their anger understandably compounds. It's quite possible that the policy response to Brexit will exacerbate the problems that caused the vote in the first place. Not pretty.

Perhaps there's a number with a minus in front of it that will cause central bankers to say, “let's try something else”, but there's little sign of that so far. So, enjoy the respite while it lasts. The gold price has been rising since the beginning of the year and bond yields continue to tumble. Both are indicators of well-founded fears. As Carole Carpenter sang, “We've only just begun”.

In Australia there's talk of a credit downgrade, a result of a growing structural budget deficit that politicians aren't keen to address. A surplus does seem a long way off. I spoke to our resident economist Callam Pickering on Thursday and he said it wouldn't surprise him if Australia was soon placed on a “negative outlook” with the possibility of a credit rating markdown over the next few years.

The banks would be big losers if that occurred. They trade on the reputation of good government credit and are heavily reliant on overseas funding, a fact the market clearly appreciates. NAB, ANZ and Westpac are all down by about 35 per cent in just over a year, CBA about 20 per cent. After a few years of silliness, the sector is getting interesting. All four banks are now nearing our Buy trigger prices, with NAB upgraded this week.

This is how to turn the uncertainty to your advantage. In 2009 the crisis was genuinely scary but it turned out to be a great buying opportunity. The difficulty is in seeing it that way when the news is scaring the bejesus out of so many Poms they're examining their family trees for Irish ancestry.

Just after the Brexit vote, an Adelaide-based Lanyon Asset Management (ritual disclosure: I'm one of their investors) wrote to me saying that one of the funds they had closed in August 2014 was being temporarily re-opened because “in markets where volatility is high and fear pervasive, outstanding investment opportunities can often present”.

That's true, which is why the first thing on our agenda this week was James Carlisle's Brexit Buy list followed by my piece on the five steps to turning turmoil to your advantage. I'll admit it isn't easy. Buying when everyone else is selling is one of the hardest things in investing, but it's also the biggest driver of long term returns, a point we hope to show you over the coming months.

Remain prudent – not too much debt, no margin loans, and sensible diversification (which isn't three investment properties and 40 per cent of your portfolio in the big banks) – but remember, too, that this is an exciting time for investors. Fear always brings opportunity. And the more fearful people are, the bigger the opportunity. It's going to be an interesting year.

Eureka's Week

By Alan Kohler

This is my final item for Eureka Report. After exactly 11 years this month, Eureka is the child that has grown up and is moving on. To extend the metaphor, I have kissed its forehead and wished it well, and I am moving on to a new baby.

Before I tell you what that is, a word about Eureka's new family.

I've actually known InvestSMART since just after it was started by current managing director Ron Hodge more than 15 years ago and I have always admired it, and Ron himself.

Fairfax Media owned InvestSMART for a while, and when we were negotiating with Fairfax in 2012 to sell them a majority stake in Eureka Report and Business Spectator, with Bob Gottliebsen, Stephen Bartholomeusz and myself to stay on as shareholders, I was looking forward to putting Eureka Report and InvestSMART together. I thought then, and still think, it's a perfect match.

That deal fell through and as you know we ended up selling entirely to News Corp. But the wheel of fate turns, and News has now onsold Eureka to…InvestSMART, alongside another business I have long admired – Intelligent Investor, which was started by my good friend John Addis.

This is a small world, and Ron Hodge and John Addis, along with chairman Paul Clitheroe, are three of the good guys in it. More importantly, the stock research and macro analysis they and their team produce is high quality, and I'm delighted that Eureka subscribers will get access to the full range of that research.

I urge you to stick with Eureka and take advantage of the excellent research on offer from the larger group plus many of the familiar contributors still at Eureka, and if you want to follow me, then do it as well as Eureka, not instead of it. My new business will be complementary to Eureka content, not a replacement.

So what will I be doing? It's called The Constant Investor and will consist of my usual Saturday briefing as well as a half-hour audio-streamed and podcast radio programme called Talking Finance, based on the Sunday morning TV show called Inside Business that I used to host.

In parting, as we all know investing is a bit more difficult these days, and a lot of people are saying that low returns will be permanent – in fact most people are saying that!

Experience tells me that when everyone thinks something, it probably won't happen, so the one big source of optimism for me at the moment is that everyone seems to be gloomy.

Lessons in leverage

By Paul Clitheroe

It is quite clear that many of us wouldn't have a cracker if it wasn't for leverage. Equally, we are all aware of those who have been brought down it. To state the obvious, leveraged assets are wonderful on the way up as they magnify returns. But the other side of the equation is also in play and we are all aware that leverage magnifies losses when assets fall in value.

It's an interesting game and the right level of leverage is very personal to each of us. It also comes in many shapes and forms. At its most simple, it might be a mortgage over real property.

It could also be futures, options, margin loans and a universe of sophisticated financial products, many of which masquerade as safe, but high return investments. As Chair of the Australian Government's Financial Literacy Board over the last 12 years or so, I really despair when I see an investment promoted as “safe but high returns”. Ironically they do look safe in good times, but the speed with which they turn bad in the tough times is scary to watch.

I saw and felt this first hand before, during and after the GFC. I take a ferry to work in the city and the chat of the many very smart financial types on the ferry made it pretty clear to me I was a financial dummy. The biggest busts always come after the biggest rises, and pre-GFC was a beauty. Like most of us I did just fine during the boom, owning both property and shares. But my leverage was low. In particular my wife and I have a personal thing about our home. After paying it off, we locked up the title deeds. So as markets rose, the wealth of many around me on the ferry exploded. Many were heavily geared at a personal level into shares with high internal gearing.

Clearly, I was the dummy. Until the GFC. Then of course the paper value of my assets plummeted. But will no real leverage, this was more of academic interest to me. With little leverage and no nasties, like margin calls, I did not need to sell at market lows. Mind you I was pretty surprised to see, for example, the Commonwealth Bank fall to a bit under $24 and media headlines about potential bank failure.

This is just common sense, but I find it quite remarkable how I see common sense go out the window during a boom as perfectly intelligent people scramble to buy and then to sell as the market turns. Let me remind you that we all articulate this simple principle; “Buy low, sell high”. Shame about the evidence. It is clear from market records that we have a very high statistical tendency to buy expensive and sell cheap.  

This takes us back to money attitudes and behaviour, which are critical factors when we consider leverage. On the face of it, leverage into decent assets such as well located property and decent shares really should work over time. Interest rates are the lowest I have seen in my lifetime and I don't see them going up any time soon. So if I borrow at say five per cent, which is pretty easy to do if I provide reasonable security, I need to invest in an asset which (after fees and charges) will return over five per cent. Here we all scurry off to long term charts and are greatly comforted to see that returns from shares and property over very long periods such as 100 years do this quite comfortably. But “on average” is a dangerous focal point. Sure, if we look at the 20th century, it was a good 100 years for shares, with major markets, including Australia, returning on average over 10 per cent per annum (before fees and taxes, but with dividends excluded). Bit of a problem, though, if you got started with your leveraged strategy in shares in 1905. The 1905 close in the Dow Jones was not seen again until 1938. The 1965 close was not seen again until 1982. If you were leveraged through the higher than average return periods, you looked like a genius.

Property, generally seen by Australians in particular as a “safe bet”, has also had extensive flat periods, but with strong population growth and a demographic shift to bigger cities, investors with property located relatively close to city centres have had a happy time over most of the last few decades. The supply/demand equilibrium has shifted, as is quite predictable, and affordability is a real issue for many. Quite naturally, price rises have slowed and in parts of Australia gone backwards. With a rapidly growing population it is difficult to mount an argument that property will become a poor long term investment, however capital growth likely to be modest for some time, exacerbated by the very high costs to buy and sell in this country.

As I move into my seventh decade I don't see leverage playing a role in my investments at a personal level. Sure, many of the shares I hold, both companies and listed property, should use leverage. But that leverage is not on my personal account and I am not liable for it if things go wrong. In a broadly diversified Australian and global portfolio, I am sure to own companies that fail. But I am not liable for that failure, I simply lose my investment and no more. That is the right leverage for me at this stage in my life.

I am very pro leverage that “fits” your risk tolerance and investment profile. Without leveraging my earnings into property and shares over the decades, and very importantly for me and millions of other people, leveraging skills into starting and running a business, I doubt I'd have much money to worry about. Back in the 1980s it was pretty obvious to me that I did not need much money to live on and that capital gains were highly tax advantaged over personal income. So along with my partners I did what so many have done before me, are doing today and will do into the future. In my opinion this is one of the best forms of leverage: Leverage your skills and energy into a business in an area you understand. Get it reasonably right, which many do, and the personal earnings that are not taken, but left in the business, compound in value, then emerge as a capital gains taxed asset. Again it is just common sense, but over the last three and a half decades working in the money industry, I am just astounded how often investors, regardless of intelligence or training, seem to lack a common sense filter when it comes to leverage, investment, taxation and the fact that every boom will end…as will every bust.

Readings & viewings

How Brexit happened: walking from Liverpool to London, the result was no surprise.

Jon Oliver's dissection of the vote.

Dating apps for UK voters...

And, of course, a downfall video, Brexit style.

Are we ready for digital DNA avatars?

There has been the first fatality from using a Tesla in autopilot mode.

Labor and the Coalition need more than start ups to foster innovation.

Comedian Sammy J reads an Auspol fairytale.

Stay well fed wherever you're voting today: your 2016 election sausage sizzle and cake map.

Turnbull flashback: an excerpt from a 2009 essay on the PM.

Stress test reveals Europe's financial fault lines ($).

Work out property price growth in your electorate.

Behind Fitbit's tumbling share price.

Clarke and Dawe, and the federal election.

The 23 cutest animals of the campaign.  

No, Donald Trump doesn't explain Brexit.

Or maybe, depending on who you ask, he does.

A look at airport security and safety.

Japan's CPI just keeps falling.

“Natural” interest rate isn't a great mystery.

Last week

Shane Oliver, AMP

Investment markets and key developments over the past week

Share markets rebounded over the past week as worries about Brexit leading to global financial and economic chaos faded somewhat. Despite noise of ongoing political turmoil in the UK, the British share market surged to its highest for the year helped by the plunging British pound and talk of Bank of England monetary easing. Bond yields continued to decline on lower for longer interest rate expectations but currency markets were a bit more stable (apart from the pound), credit spreads narrowed and commodity prices rose.

There have been several positive developments over the last week with respect to Brexit. Well maybe not for the UK, but in terms of the issue that really matters and that is the threat it poses to the rest of Europe and the global economy. First, the Spanish election actually saw support for the governing People's Party increase with no gain for anti-establishment Podemos suggesting that the Brexit mayhem may have seen voters opt for stability. Of course PM Rajoy's People's Party still has to form a coalition government but the prospects are much higher than after the December election.

Second, two clear messages emerged from the European Union leader's summit in the last week: it is looking to learn the lessons from the UK's exit to better serve its citizens and strengthen the EU; and it is taking a firm stance with the UK – there can be no access to the benefits of free trade with the EU without meeting the obligations (the free movement of people, adoption of EU rules and regulations and contributing to its budget). In other words the UK will not be let off lightly which will send a strong signal to other potential exiteers.

Third, policy makers around the world have continued to swing into action with the Bank of England foreshadowing monetary easing, talk that the ECB is considering expanding its bond purchases, fresh stimulus in Korea, another rate cut in Taiwan and more moves towards stimulus in Japan.

Fourth, bond yields in Spain and Italy have fallen sharply to new record lows indicating that so far investors are not demanding a higher premium to invest in such countries. The threat of ECB “whatever it takes” intervention to preserve the Euro is helping.

Finally, assets vulnerable to a rising $US have not crashed. In fact oil has hung around $US50, copper is up, emerging market shares are ok. Credit spreads have not blown out. We don't seem to be seeing a re-run the January-February panic.

Of course uncertainty remains high and the ride will remain rough for UK assets but the British pound appears to be wearing the worst of that and so far at least the threat to the Eurozone and the rest of the world looks to be constrained.

In Australia, after a long eight week campaign the Federal election is now upon us. Each side of politics is offering very different visions for the size of government making this arguably the starkest choice since the 1970s:

Labor is focussed on spending more on health and education and in the process allowing the size of the public sector to increase, funded by tax increases on higher income earners (retention of the budget deficit levy and cutbacks in access to negative gearing and the capital gains tax discount and superannuation savings similar to those of the Coalition although the details haven't been spelt out) but a higher budget deficit in the next few years. The ALP would also undertake a royal commission into banking and intervention in the economy is likely to be higher.

By contrast the Coalition is focussed more on containing spending and encouraging economic growth via company tax cuts and mild reforms. Despite the Coalition's tilt to “fairness” with its super reforms it's committed to keeping taxes down. It does plan to reinstate the Australian Building & Construction Commission but it's unclear whether it will get enough votes to do this.

While the polls still suggest similar levels of primary support for Labor and the Coalition, it's a big ask to see the ALP become the first opposition in 85 years to regain government after just one term as it will need to win 19 seats. However, the big issue may be what happens in the Senate with there being a good chance that the Greens and minority “parties” control the balance of power again acting as a huge constraint on the government, which would mean another de facto minority government, ie more of the same. Which in turn means poor prospects for getting government spending under control over the next three years and for implementing serious productivity enhancing economic reforms.

Over the 8 weeks since the election was called Australian shares are little changed. The next table shows that shares rose an average 4.8 per cent over the 3 months after the last 12 Federal elections with 8 out of 12 seeing gains. Will we see a post-election rally over the next 3 months this time around? Relief at getting the election out of the way may help but the likely failure of the new government to have control of the Senate, September quarter seasonal weakness in shares and Brexit uncertainty are likely to weigh in the short term even though I see shares being higher by year end.

Major global economic events and implications

US economic data was good with solid growth in consumer spending for the second month in a row in May, a rise in consumer confidence, continued gains in home prices and the June services PMI flat at 51.3 and continuing low jobless claims. While pending home sales and trade data were weaker than expected, March quarter GDP growth was revised up to 1.1 per cent annualised and June quarter growth looks to have rebounded to around 3 per cent annualised.

Eurozone economic sentiment fell only slightly in June and remains consistent with moderate growth and a pick-up in bank lending growth is a positive sign. Inflation rose slightly in June but remains low at 0.1 per cent yoy for headline and 0.9 per cent yoy for core.

Japanese jobs data for May remained strong, housing starts rose and the June quarter Tankan business conditions survey was little changed, but May data for household spending and industrial production were soft and core inflation slipped further to just 0.6 per cent year on year adding to pressure for more stimulus.

Chinese business conditions PMIs for June were little changed consistent with growth running around 6.5 per cent to 7 per cent.

Australian economic events and implications

In Australia, early indications of the impact of the Brexit outcome on confidence suggest little impact with the ANZ/Roy Morgan weekly consumer sentiment reading falling just 1.7 per cent to a level still above its long term average and auction clearance rates remaining solid. Meanwhile, job vacancies fell over the 3 months to May but on an annual basis still point to solid jobs growth, private credit growth slowed in May with credit to property investors continuing to lose momentum and business lending slowing, home price growth slowed in June with four capital cities seeing price declines but Sydney and Melbourne remaining strong, new home sales fell in May and the AIG's manufacturing PMI improved to an okay 51.8.

Next week

Savanth Sebastian, CommSec             

New month, new quarter, new financial year

The Reserve Bank dominates the economic calendar in the coming week. The Reserve Bank Board meets on Tuesday, while the data to watch includes job advertisements and retail trade, due out on Monday and Tuesday respectively. In the US, the focus is on the minutes of the June Federal Reserve meeting, released on Thursday and the employment data out on Friday. .

The week kicks off on Monday with ANZ publishing its series on job advertisements while TD Securities and Melbourne Institute issue its monthly inflation gauge. Also the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) releases data on building approvals.

Building approvals have been volatile, over the past few months. Dwelling approvals rose by 3 per cent in April, while the value of all building soared by 18.3 per cent – the biggest monthly rise in four years. Building was at record highs in trend terms. It is clear that overall home building will be a big driver of economic growth over the coming year. For the record we expect a 3 per cent fall in approvals in May.

The job market remains in solid shape. In May job advertisements posted the biggest rise in eight months to be up more than 9 per cent on a year ago. Still it's important to note that job ads aren't as good a leading indicator on employment as they were a few years ago.

Turning to the inflation gauge, the headline index fell by 0.2 per cent in May. The annual rate of inflation eased from 1.5 per cent to 1 per cent. Excluding volatile items like petrol and fruit & vegetables, the core inflation gauge was up by 1.5 per cent over the year. The bottom line being that inflation remains well below the Reserve Bank's 2-3 per cent target band.

On Tuesday investors will focus on the Reserve Bank Board meeting. The weak inflation landscape and volatile financial markets is likely to weigh against higher home prices and healthy consumer confidence.                                                     

Until last Friday, the RBA seemed likely to await the next quarterly inflation reading in late July before deciding whether to lower the cash rate again. But while August is still the meeting most likely to see a cut, the meeting on the 7th of July is now very much ‘live' given the financial market volatility.

Also on Tuesday the (ABS) releases the May data on retail trade and international trade, while ANZ and Roy Morgan will issue the weekly consumer sentiment reading. At present households are in a happy place, with consumer confidence easing a touch from 21⁄2-year highs last week.

Consumer spending has been soft in recent months, ahead of the Federal election. However the lift in consumer confidence – particularly the upbeat measure on whether it is a good time to buy a major household item – is encouraging. We expect retail trade to rise by 0.2 per cent in May after a similar lift in April.

On Wednesday, data on tourist arrivals is released. Interestingly tourists to Australia from mainland China have lifted to record highs. Tourists from China and Hong Kong combined exceeded 1.35 million in the past year, up 21 per cent over the year and moving well past the 1.31 million visitors from New Zealand.

US employment under the spotlight                            

In the US the highlight in the coming week is the release of employment data on Friday, while investors will also pay attention to the Federal Reserve minutes released on Thursday.                                

The week kicks off on Tuesday when data on factory orders, and the regional ISM New York survey are released. Economists expect factory orders to have eased by around 2 per cent in May while the New York ISM survey should continue to show a mild contraction. Also the final revisions on durable goods orders – proxy for business investment - for May are released.

On Wednesday, the trade balance for May is released, with expectations of a deficit of $40 billion.                               

On Thursday, the usual weekly data on claims for unemployment insurance is released alongside the ADP private sector employment report and also the ISM service index for June. . Economists tip an 185,000 rise in private sector jobs for June.                            

Also on Thursday minutes of the June Federal Reserve meeting. The minutes should provide investors with a little more information on the ‘hot button' issues for Federal Reserve members.                          

And on Friday, the June data on employment is released – the non-farm payrolls data. Economists expect that a 190,000 new jobs created in June. While the unemployment rate may have held steady at 4.7 per cent. Also on Friday consumer credit (lending figures) are released.              

Share market, interest rates, currencies & commodities                                                                     

With the 2015/16 year now almost complete, it is an opportune time to provide investors with an update of how investments, financial markets and economies have performed over the past year.                                                 

Overall, it has been another challenging year, but one that should provide satisfaction for Australian policymakers. Economic growth has lifted, not slowed. That is despite the transition from the once-in-a-century mining construction boom to mining production and housing-driven growth. The inflation rate has eased, in line with global experience. Cash rates were cut to record lows in May. Iron ore and oil prices fell, but then rebounded. The US lifted interest rates for the first time in nine years.

And the financial year is ending with jitters about the UK vote to leave the European Union membership.

The Australian share market started 2015/16 with the All Ordinaries at 5,451.2 and the ASX200 at 5,459. Currently the All Ords is near 5,221 points (down 4.2 per cent) with the ASX200 at 5,142.4 (down 5.8 per cent).           

Of the 21 current industry sub-sectors, 12 sectors are currently higher over 2015/16. The key under- performer has been Energy, down by 26.6 per cent, followed by the Banking (down 17.3 per cent) and Insurance (down 10.2 per cent). Sectors. Strongest growth has been by the Autos & Components sector (up 27 per cent) followed by Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology (up 22.6 per cent) and Food, Beverage & Tobacco (up 22.3 per cent).                                    

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