Cryptos: Where are they now?

Checking in with the once star performers: IOTA, ripple, bitcoin and ethereum.
By · 27 Apr 2018
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27 Apr 2018
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Summary: Over the last quarter, traders have seen double-digit price falls in bitcoin, ethereum, IOTA and ripple. Market manipulation, a lack of utility value and security loopholes are partly to blame. 

Key take-out: Cryptocurrencies have plunged from their highs, but the rollercoaster ride will continue as more regulation comes into effect. In light of upcoming rulings, it may take anywhere from nine months to five years for crypto traders to get a real sense of direction in the space.


After clocking off a weak quarter, cryptocurrencies rallied hard during the month of April, but in many cases this hasn't been enough to pare significant losses.

Those who haven't already been burnt could benefit from a stark reminder about where the star crypto performers of last year are now. Bitcoin is down 35 per cent, ethereum 19 per cent, IOTA 54 per cent, and ripple 66 per cent. 

Governments, tax offices and chief regulators are still working out what these tokens should be classed as, a debate fuelling wild fluctuations in all cryptocurrency markets. Some of the late-comers to the party may have already found themselves burnt by the losses.

Last week, the former chairman of the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CTFC), Gary Gensler, came out and said ripple and ethereum could “probably” be classified as securities because there are enterprises behind these tokens. A ruling of this kind would result them to greater regulatory scrutiny.

Deeming a token a security would reduce the number of exchanges where it can be traded. Previously the CTFC has labelled bitcoin a commodity. Gensler thinks it will take the Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC) anywhere from nine months to five years to deliver its verdict on the matter. And with so many exchanges affected, there's a chance this could end up in the courts. 

So far this calendar year, all cryptocurrencies, bar 10, have collapsed into a bear market. 

Source: Coin Time Machine, April 26, 2018.

Originals: Bitcoin and ethereum

Bitcoin, and somewhat ethereum, have first-mover advantage — but that can come with a catch. The dominant digital token can't handle more than 12-14 transactions per second. And that's following a recent server upgrade. Before the upgrade, it could only take 6-8 transactions per second. Bitcoin is clunky in this respect — a fact the market can no longer ignore.

Bitcoin might be a commodity, but the debate still rages on as to whether it's also a currency, asset or simple store of value. Trading volumes have doubled year-on-year, however, the difficulty in determining bitcoin's utility value, in light of the above, is making for a rollercoaster price ride. 

Bitcoin's price is ebbing below $US9000 (awfully close to this), having bounced from a recent low of $US7000 in January. This low was said to be caused by a small technical error. Technical blips, sometimes known as market manipulation, are omnipresent in crypto land.

Retrieved April 26, 2018.

It wouldn't be the first time suspicious trading activity has impacted the price of bitcoin, or the last. Ethereum is no stranger to hacks and heists either.

When Vitalik Buterin's proposal for building a programming language on top of bitcoin was blocked — to build smart contracts on top of the blockchain ledger — he decided to create ethereum instead. 

The basic premise of ethereum would suggest it circumvents the security and network issues faced by bitcoin. This isn't always the case.

There's currently a bug in some of the tokens travelling through the ethereum network, and ethereum wallets have also recently come under attack. In addition to traders getting spooked, there's a view that ethereum is suffering at the helm of initial coin offerings (ICOs), which typically take ethereum in exchange for their tokens. Funding for ICOs in 2018 has already outpaced 2017 (see below), but this could come to a halt soon as there's a motion to ban the controversial funding method.

Alt-coins: IOTA and ripple

The IOTA run-up began late November when the IOTA Foundation announced partnerships with more than 20 incumbents including Microsoft, Samsung and Fujitsu. Traders took this as a sign of validation; one problem — using the namesake IOTA currency wasn't part of the partnerships. 

IOTA has a ‘tangle' processing system and zero-fee model where there is no need for miners, said to be superior to the blockchain ledger used to verify bitcoin and other crypto transactions. But the technology comes complete with another set of problems. 

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have been drawing attention to a vulnerability in IOTA's code that comprises security. 

The IOTA team denies this, but technical vulnerabilities have nonetheless left traders exposed. Recently around $US4 million went missing from trader accounts. Quite the tangle indeed.

The IOTA Foundation keeps making strides, partnering with more companies to bring their Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to life, but the token won't specifically benefit from that. This disconnect, among other things, has caused its price to sink over the course of 2018.

Ripple, another popular alt-coin, has also seen its tide go out — to the tune of more than 60 per cent — since the start of the year. 

Working in ripple's favour is its capacity to handle 1500 transactions per second, shooting the lights out of bitcoin. Also unlike bitcoin, ripple launched with 100 billion tokens already in circulation, eliminating the need for mining until a much later date.

Since we last checked in, Ripple launched an app with Spanish bank Santander Group that enables cheap and quick international currency transfers, and announced in March it was working with 61 Japanese banks on a technology that immediately settles cash transfers. These are legitimate stamps of trust, but as with IOTA, what ripple's holding company does arguably has no real bearing on XRP the token. 

The final verdict?

It's fine to check in with where ‘they' are now, but it's necessary to determine what they even are to begin with.

Besides the charlatans, members of the community tend to agree. Ripple last week joined the chorus calling for greater regulation of the crypto market, labelling Japan's regulation as the benchmark. Consumer protection, financial stability and anti-money laundering all need to be addressed.

There's an added layer of price stability in fiat currencies that's missing in digital currencies. Purchasing power matters a lot if you view cryptos as currencies, not assets. 

A way to maintain crypto purchasing power is pegging coins to more stable assets, such as gold or the US dollar. In recent months this has led to the rise of ‘stable coins', like tether, but these still have fundamental problems.

You know there's a problem when experts are predicting a coin named in honour of an internet dog meme will be the star crypto performer of 2018. 

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