Be prepared. Volatility is back

Like it or not, the market is set to swing.
By · 8 Feb 2018
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8 Feb 2018
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Summary: As global markets went into freefall, the carnage was even more pronounced for investors locked into positions in the Volatility Index.

Key take-out: After a record period of extremely low volatility, this week's sharp markets drop signals volatility is back with a vengeance.


Emboldened by a record stretch of calm, some investors who took bets against market volatility have this week seen their investments come undone in a dramatic way. Some have lost everything, because they were so convinced markets were going to keep soaring that they leveraged themselves to the hilt inside technical volatility futures products.

Not a good idea, because it was no great secret that the market had to turn eventually. Many experts are now predicting another sharp correction is ahead of us.

There were only eight days in 2017 when the S&P 500 moved more than 1 per cent, and investors worldwide took this as an indication that low volatility was here to stay. 

Then came Wall Street's mini flash crash earlier this week, causing a sharp spike in the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX). Known as the fear gauge, tracking short-term volatility in the S&P 500, the VIX rose from 22.42 to 50.30 on Tuesday, before closing below 30 the following day. 

Tuesday's events jolted products that track the VIX to move sharply to the upside, as well as the downside. Sophisticated and retail investors alike were heavily exposed, some even quipping on forums in the past year they saw the volatility trade as “free money”. 

A couple of nights ago, the ‘VIX Elephant' is alleged to have made a thumping $US262.5 million by buying 137,500 call options with only 27 days until expiration on January 16. 

Last year, a trader referred to as ‘50 cent' made headlines when buying options for a similar purpose. He didn't get hit with the same stroke of luck though. By the end of December, 50 cent had racked up $US197 million in losses.

These types of trades aren't for the fainthearted. In an instant, the stakes can dramatically change — for better or worse — especially for those investing in the newer volatility-based products.

A complex instrument

Matt Simpson, an analyst at Faraday Research, says the VIX is more than a ‘fear index' and should be viewed as a complex financial leverage instrument just for sophisticated investors. 

“Perhaps a better way to look at the VIX is the cost of insurance or a measurement of exposure,” Simpson told Eureka Report.

“If a portfolio manager has 100 per cent exposure on the markets and the VIX rises by 50 per cent, that exposure has now doubled. Now imagine if that same fund manager was leveraged 4-5 times, at which point the rush for the exit morphs from a matter of priority to a matter of survival.”

Simpson thinks this week would have been a rude awakening for many retail investors for the first time who were “caught up in the short-ETF trend” in the volatility trade, unable to see the market's warning signs.

Reading the fine print

Investors were essentially ‘shorting volatility' and buying notes that tracked CBOE's lucrative VIX franchise (which delivered one-quarter of the company's entire revenue last year). 

One exchange-based volatility product that inversely tracked the VIX went bust on Tuesday night, and another almost, on the sudden return of volatility. 

A spike in the VIX caused the VelocityShares Daily Inverse VIX Short-Term ETN to drop 14 per cent in a heartbeat. The fund, which trades under the ticker XIV, has since plunged from $US99 to below $US6. To the right is a snapshot during the dive of an investor's fast-depreciating holding.

The watershed moment happened a little later though. The drop triggered “a condition for early redemption” where the note will now be liquidated by its issuer, investment bank Credit Suisse.

This becomes yet another lesson to investors in reading the fine print. There was a clause in the PDS stating the fund would wind up in the event of losses exceeding 80 per cent.

Credit Suisse isn't issuing any new units in the fund, and the last trading day of XIV will be February 20. 

The fund made a 180 per cent return last year from a record-breaking 400-day stretch of US equities running hot without a daily drop of more than 5 per cent. 

Around a dozen similar products were immediately suspended following their shock drops. Some, like the Next Notes S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures Inverse Daily Excess Return Index ETN, are being redeemed at massive discounts — to the tune of around 95 per cent. 

Another one of the largest, the ProShares Short VIX Short-Term Futures ETF, is still operational but lost 84 per cent of its value in a single day. Like others, it was forced to buy VIX futures contracts to stay afloat, which obviously had a significant impact on the price of the VIX. 

Together, the ProShares and VelocityShares products — regarded as ‘low volatility' market leaders — were worth about $3 billion just last week.

BlackRock, and a closer look

Unlike stocks, owning these types of exchange-traded products doesn't give the investor shares in a company, so there will never be any dividends, and there's no place for fundamental or technical analysis. 

Credit Suisse's XIV was an exchange-traded note (not to be confused with an ETF) and the investment bank wasn't mandated to report on how it was investing the cash to create shares. It was simply listed as senior debt on the Credit Suisse balance sheet.

From some deeper analysis, it seems that 75-80 per cent of the time, XIV would've been a money maker. But it's only been around since March 2010. And there were still several periods where XIV would give up much of its value within a few weeks. 

The world's biggest asset manager, BlackRock, is now fronting a growing chorus in the investment community calling for inverse and leveraged exchange-traded products to come under review.

BlackRock wants exchange-traded products (ETPs) like XIV to be labelled differently to “plain vanilla ETFs” to better highlight the investment risk.

More than one way to skin a cat

There are a couple of ways to bet on the likelihood of volatility, with ETPs and options among the most popular avenues.

Simon Ho, managing partner at Sydney-based Triple3 Partners, a division of Grant Samuel Funds Management, oversees the Volatility Advantage Fund, which manages the only retail options-based volatility strategy in the Australian market.

The fund aims to generate long-term absolute returns that are negatively correlated to the S&P 500 Index, and offers investors inbuilt insurance by taking out options positions that limit the total losses that can be incurred to 5 per cent in any period of trading. 

The return of volatility to global markets is a welcome development to him, but he cautions that unless you know what you're doing, trading volatility is best left to experts who understand the complexities of volatility trading strategies.

"This little tantrum we've seen has all been focused on inflation," says Ho. "You've got prices rising in all the major economies and without a shadow of a doubt I'm convinced something is going to happen this year.

"We definitely think this is a return to normalcy. In other words, we think there will be a return to more normal levels of market volatility during the year and we think there will be a major correction."

Those who missed this week's upside opportunity might be enticed by the recent spell of volatility and now be looking to VIX products for portfolio protection.

Faraday's Simpson explains that the VIX, like all markets, is mean reverting.

“When the weaker hands in the stock market have been washed out and larger hands come in to pick up the pieces, there's less need for the VIX as a hedge and the two revert to the mean.

“But I'll hazard a guess, and shorting the VIX right now could be less appealing to many and it is ‘too soon' for that discussion.”

Some (the wiser) have started pulling out of volatility products altogether, as shown in the Bloomberg chart below. But there will always be the gamblers.

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