Australia's two biggest property risks

The RBA has identified the challenges for residential and commercial property across Australia.
By · 18 Apr 2017
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18 Apr 2017
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Summary: In terms of residential risks, the apartment sectors in Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth outweigh those of other states. Also, heightened commercial property prices expose leveraged investors to price declines, especially in second-tier regions.

Key take-out: Investors relying on capital growth out of the residential and commercial property sectors should expect weaker performance ahead.

Key beneficiaries: General investors. Category: Economy.

Residential and commercial property represent two of Australia's largest financial and economic risks.

Both sectors are closely watched by our financial regulators and received plenty of discussion in the Reserve Bank of Australia's (RBA) latest Financial Stability Review (FSR).

The FSR, a bi-annual review of financial conditions and risks in Australia and overseas, continues to focus on the risks surrounding the residential and commercial property sectors. With many investors highly exposed to these sectors, with plenty of skin in the game, it is worth delving a little deeper into the main risks.

Residential property

The construction of new apartments and higher-density housing has increased significantly in recent years. Residential construction has been a key bright spot for the Australian economy over that period with foreign capital flowing into a construction boom in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.

The graph below compares apartment completions in our four largest cities against the number of apartments that existed in 2011. We can arrive at a few key conclusions.

First, relative to existing supply the construction boom in Brisbane is much larger than that occurring in Sydney or Melbourne.

Second, the construction boom in Brisbane and Melbourne is focused on the CBD and inner-city to a much larger degree than Sydney.

Third, apartment construction in Perth is still high by historical standards, which may be surprising given the ongoing fall in dwelling prices and rents. This suggests that the property downturn in Perth still has some way to go.

According to the RBA, “this large number of new apartments recently completed and currently under construction raises the risk of localised pockets of oversupply.” Apartment prices are already falling in Brisbane and Perth and growth in apartment prices in Melbourne is running well below that of detached housing. Apartment prices continue to rise rapidly in Sydney.

There is also a risk that “developers may have trouble finding buyers for their new apartments.” So far settlement failure remains low but “developers are continuing to report delays in settlement for some purchasers.” Tighter lending standards appears to be one of the main reasons, particularly for investors who earn their income abroad.

We know that “valuations at settlement are sometimes coming in below what buyers had anticipated”; sometimes even below the original contract price, which raises the risk of negative equity at the time of settlement.

The RBA reports that “developers' access to bank finance has tightened further, particularly in geographic regions at risk of oversupply.” Lower maximum loan-to-valuation ratios are being utilised, as well as stricter pre-sale requirements. Increasingly developers are placing greater reliance on non-bank financing, such as mezzanine financiers and private equity. (See Property investors line up for high returns).

We can conclude that strong investor activity is creating the risk of a “future overhang of supply for some types of properties or in some locations.” Rising prices has attracted domestic investors and that in turn has attracted foreign investors, which in the case of Brisbane and Melbourne has resulted in an unprecedented construction boom.

In this environment, any downturn in the property market is likely to be amplified and result in a larger decline in prices and rents than during previous downturns beginning in 2008 and 2010. Investors would be wise to avoid Brisbane and be cautious of further investment in Melbourne. Sydney is safer from a construction and supply standpoint but that needs to be balanced against an 70 per cent rise in prices over the past five years.

Commercial property

Residential property may be an investors' bread and butter, but commercial property is clearly important from a corporate standpoint.

Commercial property prices have continued to rise at a rapid rate across CBD offices, industrial spaces and the retail sector. Price growth continues to outpace rents, which has pushed rental yields on commercial property to historically low levels.

Nevertheless, “yields on Australian commercial property remain higher than in many overseas property markets and other asset classes”, which has helped to attract investors from Australian and abroad.

According to the RBA, “current heightened commercial property valuations may leave some leveraged investors vulnerable to subsequent price declines.” If global interest rates were to rise more quickly than anticipated or if investor demand fell, “the consequent price decline may lead leveraged property investors to breach loan-to-valuation covenants on bank debt.”

This is a concern since downturns in the commercial property space tend to be larger than what has historically occurred in the residential property market. The decline in CBD office prices fell by almost 30 per cent following the global financial crisis and a similar decline was apparent for industrial property.

There must also be a concern about the extent to which prices and rents have decoupled over the past five years. Historically prices and rents tracked closely to one another but prices have increased sharply on the back of low interest rates, while rents have been constrained by lacklustre corporate earnings. If the price-to-rent ratio was to normalise then we'd be looking at an unprecedented decline in commercial property prices.

Conditions in the commercial property market are strongest in Sydney and Melbourne and more concerning within Brisbane and Perth. In Perth, the rental vacancy rate on ‘prime' office space is approach 20 per cent; it exceeds 10 per cent in Brisbane.

According to the RBA, “falling rents and increasing vacancy rates [in Brisbane and Perth] have motivated tenants to relocate into better quality office spaces.” As a result, the RBA believes that the vacancy rate on ‘prime' office space in Perth and Brisbane may have stabilised; however, the vacancy rate on ‘secondary' locations may rise further.

Over the past six months, “banks have tightened their commercial property lending standards and growth in banks' commercial property exposures has slowed.” This is good news from the perspective of financial stability given the ongoing concerns about overinvestment within the commercial property market.

Reduced exposure by Australian banks has, however, been offset by increased exposure by Asian banks. This helps to explain why commercial property prices haven't been hit by tighter lending standards.

Prices are obviously high for both the residential and commercial property sectors and yields are tracking at historically low levels. Investors are increasingly reliant upon capital gains to justify further investment in these sectors and that may prove problematic as these sectors shift into a weaker period for price growth.

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