JPMorgan Equity Premium Income Active ETF (Managed Fund) (ASX: JEPI) - Share Price and Research

- Current share price for JEPI : $56.320

JPMorgan Equity Premium Income Active ETF (Managed Fund) (JEPI) is an Exchange Traded Fund - commonly known as an ETF. For more details about how ETFs work, feel free to check out our What is an ETF? overview. JPMorgan Equity Premium Income Active ETF (Managed Fund) (JEPI) seeks to deliver monthly distributable income and equity market exposure with lower volatility. The fund is designed to have daily liquidity and lower volatility and beta than the S&P 500 index by providing distributable income, the portfolio may forgo a portion of the market's upside.

General Information

JPMorgan Equity Premium Income ActiveETF
Perpetual Trust Services Limited
Equity North America
Not Rated
Investment Fund
8 Nov 2022
$122.02 million (as at 31 Dec 2024)
$56.1117 (as at 17 Feb 2025)
$56.1117 (as at 17 Feb 2025)

JEPI ETF performance (31 Jan 2025)

NOTE : returns for periods greater than 1 year are annualised
  1 Month % 3 Month % 6 Month % 1 Year % p.a. 2 Year % p.a. 3 Year % p.a. 5 Year % p.a. 10 Year % p.a.
Total return 1.73 7.29 10.94 18.75 17.09 - - -
Growth return 1.15 5.52 7.4 11.66 9.65 - - -
Income return (Yield) 0.58 1.77 3.54 7.09 7.44 - - -

Market index (MSCI USA NR AUD)

Total return 2.26 11.94 15.78 33.97 31.2 15.94 16.31 15.69

Asset Allocation (31 Jan 2025)

Australian Equities 0%
International Equities 99.62%
Cash 0.38%
Property 0%
Fixed Interest 0%
Alternatives 0%
Asset Allocation

Objectives and Strategy

The investment objective of the Fund is to seek current income while maintaining prospects for capital appreciation. The Fund seeks to provide the majority of the returns associated with the Benchmark while exposing investors to less risk through lower volatility and still offering incremental income.
The Fund seeks to meet its investment objective by investing substantially all of its assets in the JPMorgan Equity Premium Income ETF, which is an exchange traded fund that is traded on the New York Stock Exchange Arca exchange. The Underlying Fund seeks to create a portfolio of equity securities with a lower volatility level than the Benchmark and also investing in ELNs. The Underlying Fund is managed in a way that seeks, under normal circumstances, to provide monthly distributions at a relatively stable level.

Offer information

MER 0.40% (as at 20 Dec 2023)
Indirect Cost Ratio (ICR) 0.40% (as at 30 Jun 2023)
Performance fee (not included in ICR) Not Available

Top 10 holdings (as at 31 Dec 2024)

Holding Type % of Portfolio
JPMorgan Equity Premium Income ETF Mutual Fund - ETF 98.94%
Login now to view the complete list of holdings.

Fund data sourced from Morningstar. Some material is copyright and published under licence from ASX Operations Pty Limited ACN 004 523 782 ("ASXO"). Data and content is provided for personal use only. Whilst every care has been taken in producing these numbers, neither Morningstar nor InvestSMART can make any guarantees around the complete accuracy of these figures. Should you decide to change investments, please read all relevant disclosure documents including the Product Disclosure Statements and if required, you may consider speaking to a financial professional for further guidance. A tax event may be realised as a result of switching investments. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

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Data shown on this website is sourced by Morningstar
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