Managed Funds

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Search Results

Fund name APIR Morningstar
Sector Returns
3 Mth. 1 Yr. 3 Yr.
BT Personal Portfolio Service Investment - BT Wholesale Smaller Companies (Closed) WFS0238AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 10.93% 12.48% 6.00%
BT Personal Portfolio Service Pension - BT Wholesale Smaller Companies (Closed) WFS0275AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 11.83% -7.01% 4.92%
BT Personal Portfolio Service Super - BT Wholesale Smaller Companies (Closed) WFS0281AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 13.53% -6.15% 4.33%
Col SCS - Colonial Wholesale Small Companies - Core (Closed) PRU0558AU starstarstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 11.28% 47.15% 40.61%
Col SupChoice - Cwealth Premium Small Companies (Closed) LGL0227AU starstarstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 5.39% 35.28% 35.12%
Colonial FirstChoice Personal Super - FSI Developing Companies (Closed) FSF0438AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend -3.15% 4.78% 11.02%
Concise Mid Capital (Closed) CAM0001AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 7.56% 20.05% 12.91%
Glebe - Small - Capital Equities Trust (Closed) GAM0006AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 4.64% 32.28% 30.19%
Glebe Small - Capital Shares Fund (Closed) GAM0101AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 5.50% 34.60% 30.90%
Hayborough Opportunities Fund (Closed) TPI8215AU starstarstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 2.98% 31.09% 10.79%
IOOF (ex AM) PST - BT Wholesale Smaller Companies (Closed) AMG0189AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 11.86% 30.28% 29.38%
IOOF GSS Blended Australian Smaller Companies (Closed) ASK0490AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend -2.69% 53.53% -7.88%
IOOF WIS Blended Australian Smaller Companies (Closed) ASK0482AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend -1.94% 65.00% -7.75%
Macquarie AP - Challenger Australian Small Companies (Closed) MAQ0327AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 3.53% 9.83% 8.43%
Macquarie AP - Macquarie Small Companies (Closed) MAQ0241AU starstarstarstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 7.98% 5.90% 14.22%
Macquarie S/RO - Macquarie Small Companies (Closed) MAQ0259AU starstarstarstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 7.69% 5.69% 13.67%
Macquarie Smaller Companies Fund Cl AUnits (Closed) AMP6265AU starstarstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 5.35% -17.34% 5.50%
Macquarie SuperOptions - Term Allocated Pension - Challenger Australian Small Company (Closed) MAQ0368AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 3.53% 9.84% 8.43%
Macquarie SuperOptions - Term Allocated Pension - Macquarie Small Companies (Closed) MAQ0387AU starstarstarstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 7.98% 5.90% 14.22%
MLC Emp Super - Pre Select Australian Small Company (Closed) NUL0374AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 1.61% 5.84% 3.50%
MLC MasterKey Allocated Pension - Perpetual Wholesale Small Company #2 (Closed) MLC0660AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend -2.04% 2.24% 5.00%
MLC MasterKey Business Super - Perpetual Small Companies Fund No.2 (Closed) MLC0655AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 5.43% 2.80% 13.31%
MLC MasterKey Term Allocated Pension - Perpetual Smll Companies Fund No.2 (Closed) MLC0665AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 6.04% 3.34% 14.58%
MLC MKPF - Perpetual Small Companies Fund No.2 (Closed) MLC0810AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 6.04% 3.34% 14.99%
MLC MKPFPR - Perpetual Smll Companies Fund No.2 (Closed) NUL4215AU starstarstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 5.51% 3.11% 13.64%

126 - 150 of 169 results

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