To escape our island mindset we need to foster creative communities

Groups of like-minded people, working together, create the energy to make things happen.
By · 10 Nov 2012
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10 Nov 2012
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Groups of like-minded people, working together, create the energy to make things happen.

WE ALL know that we can't succeed alone. Our very literary Louise is constantly quoting John Donne's words that ''no man is an island'', to which Charlie always replies ''nor any nation either, including Australia''.

The fact that we are an island geographically, and that in every other way we are not, is at the heart of understanding our past, present and future. We can see this when we realise that up to 25 per cent of our 1850s goldfields population came from China and their name for this great southern land was ''Xin Jin Chan'' - new gold mountain.

One feature of early Chinese migration and its contribution to Australia was the formation of societies such as the See Yup Society in Melbourne, which supported these enterprising people in business and family life. The Chinatowns of Melbourne and Sydney grew out of this skill of creating favourable localised environments.

I started my advertising business in South Melbourne, and while it was a humble beginning with just a desk, a phone and a second-hand brown Torana, I was not alone. All around me was a generation of young Turks in the advertising and media business who were headed for great things. Tony White, Mike Strauss, Wayne Wood, Bob Talbot and others were ''stealing'' all the clients from the old-guard agencies.

In Sydney, John ''Singo'' Singleton's Spasm agency was born in a burst of inspired energy and he became the country's retail advertising king. His incredible energy and gregarious manner brought a host of other people along with him. Singo is a classic example of how to be a winner by being with winners.

Allan Johnston and Alan Morris (known as Mo and Jo) formed MoJo with great jingles like, ''I feel like a Tooheys or Two'', and launched Kerry Packer's cricket with ''Come on Aussie Come On''.

History tells us that when like-minded people come together, great things happen.

Silicon Valley is a perfect example, where the extraordinary creativity and invention of Steve Jobs and his ilk allowed America to reinvent itself after grim times in the 1970s.

For nearly three centuries, Europe was undergoing its renaissance and the consensus is it all began with the association of like-minded artists, scholars and philanthropists in Florence. Virtually no aspect of European life was untouched by this flowering of genius in figures such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.

And what better modern example could there be than another island that is no island - Manhattan - that mecca for the war weary from Europe, who worked together on land 20 kilometres long and 4 kilometres wide to create the powerhouse for the beginning of many modern industries.

Down in Tasmania the same process is under way today, as David Walsh's multimillion-dollar private Museum of Old and New Art pulls in record numbers of tourists and spawns all sorts of new artists and events that are changing the character of Hobart. MONA is the new mecca for the arts in Australia.

So it's worth remembering if we want to build a business, we have to build a community. If we want to continue to build a great country we have to ensure creative enclaves of winning communities continue.

That's the only way we can make the most of our individual capacities and assets and get beyond any thought that we are an island unto ourselves.

Harold Mitchell is an executive director of Aegis.

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