The Myer family is making an impact

How the family office of one of Australia's wealthiest families is investing.
By · 31 May 2017
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31 May 2017
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Summary: Myer Family Company (MFCo) is a family office managing the assets of Myer family members and for other wealthy families and organisations. Diversification is key to their strategy, but more capital is being invested offshore and into impact investing.

Key take-out: Impact investing is a serious and critical business, but investors should note the risks are similar to early stage start-up investing. MFCo's CEO believes franking credits should never drive an investment strategy, and a steady hand should stay on the tiller at all times.

The Myer family office believes impact investing is what will drive Australia forward, and that investors also should rethink the true value of franking credits. 

Getting advice from the investment company behind one of Australia's most iconic retail families is something that money simply can't buy – unless you happen to have plenty.

But this week the Myer Family Company (MFCo) opened its investment doors exclusively to Eureka Report, and told us about the strategies they're employing to grow their long-term wealth.

There are important lessons in there for every investor, no matter how wealthy.

MFCo was one of the first single family offices established in Australia in 1976, helping pioneer philanthropy among Australia's upper class. The MFCo of today began taking shape in 1991 when it expanded into a multi-family office operation.

The firm now designs private wealth strategies for more than 230 families, foundations, trusts and high net worth individuals, including many members of the Myer family still. The stats are staggering: $3 billion in funds under advice and $7 billion under administration.

Danielle Press was appointed MFCo CEO last July, coming across from Equipsuper. She works closely alongside chairman Sidney Myer and the firm's head of family office and Victoria operations, Maria Lui.

While things might stay the same as much as they change, this doesn't mean high net worth families aren't shaking up their portfolios.

Press said family wealth “has always been managed around private equity deals and start-ups”, which is where ordinary investors are playing more and more. But the investors she's dealing with are also looking for “more emotionally rewarding opportunities”.

“Investing in operating businesses is how many high net worth families made their wealth and they are quite comfortable now with the risks associated with these kinds of illiquid assets,” said Press.

“We're not so much seeing a difference in the types of assets being invested in, as much as we're seeing a generational shift where the millennials of the family office are thinking about impact investing.

“The intentionality of the investment is starting to become more visible. Some people think it's a fad, but I think this next generation actually has a stronger connection to the big social issues we have today - and maybe that's because the big social issues are actually bigger.”

She cautioned that the challenge with social impact investing is it's an early stage venture.

“It's very easy to get distracted by the next silver bullet for the world's problems. I don't think impact investing is any riskier than any early stage start-up, but predominantly, the deals you are looking at are generally in that really early start-up stage.”

As a nation, Press believes, Australia will have to rely more heavily on philanthropy going forward. She thinks private investors, or high net worth individuals, will chart that course before big business.

“As the country becomes, in a sense, more dependent on the philanthropic dollar and the government comes under more pressure to fund the big social issues, it's more important to make the money work properly,” said Press.

She said MFCo families are “generally optimistic”, reflective of local investment markets doing extremely well over the years.

“The Australian stock market has been one of the best performing and lowest-risk stock markets among its peers over the last 100 years or so,” said Press.

“But if you buy the ASX 300, it's basically financial institutions and resource companies. If you want exposure to really good tech companies in the listed space, you need to go offshore generally.

“Risk premiums in small caps are smaller than risk premiums in large caps. Small caps can be extremely valuable and they can go to zero really easily too. Sometimes you will just be buying hope with indexed smalls, and hope isn't an investment strategy.”

She added that in downturns, “90 per cent of people seem to sell” even when “sometimes it's a better time to double down”.

“There's interesting stats on the mutual fund market in the US where you can track the average dollar. Investors sell at the wrong time, forget to buy back in, then buy at the top, almost all the time.”

MFCo head of family office, Maria Lui, agreed that what separates high net worth investors from the average is they don't fall prey to this and other investment traps.

Hinting to opportunities offshore, Lui said “franking credits should never be the driver of the strategy”.

“Franking credits in Australia definitely make a difference when investing for lower tax entities like non-profits and self-managed super funds,” said Lui.

“There's a trap to just invest in Australia because of franking credits, but you have to look at the total return after tax.

“There certainly is a trend towards better diversification among the people we're seeing, which reflects the fact that we are global citizens, and the liabilities and lifestyles of investors are increasingly spread around the world.”

Press noted “there's a natural friction in low return markets” the wealthy aren't immune from and this puts “interesting intergenerational pressure on families” torn over different ideas.

“When we had a CPI plus-five target 20 years ago it was much easier. There was the reliable asset class that took potential negatives out of the equation, that being bonds, and it was a higher return environment overall,” said Press.

She believes all investors big and small “need a steady hand on the tiller”.

“Our models haven't changed at MFCo, or the way we look at managers, but we really tease out the objectives and set a portfolio around two pools of assets,” said Press.

“You want to always have your steady hand on the tiller and liability portfolio, and then another on the bit you can play with – that's where behavioural finance comes into play.”

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