Prepare for more investment pain

A weakening share market will flow through to the wider economy.
By · 20 Dec 2018
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20 Dec 2018
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Summary: Australian investors should heed the signals from global markets as well as the opinion polls.

Key take-out: With a change in government likely, there are good reasons to tread carefully in both shares and property.


It’s well over a half a century ago now when I was first told that there is a way of predicting the future that has a high degree of success, albeit not infallible.

A lot has happened since then, but the old rules still have validity. And the rule is that is that when the share market has a big sustained rise or fall the economy and, in particular, the property market follow in six to 18 months.

At this stage the market falls in the US and Australia are just above 10 per cent, which is called a correction phase and so do not carry the same predictive weight as a 15 to 20 per cent fall. A 20 per cent fall is classified as bear market.

But in Australia miners have offset the 20 per cent falls seen in the shares of the big four banks – the powerhouses of the economy. Moreover, markets in China, South Korea, Turkey, Italy, Germany and Mexico are all now bear market territory by falling more than 20 per cent. Key markets in Spain, France and Russia are less than 5 per cent away from bear market territory.

We are clearly looking at a European and Asian slow down and it will not take much for the US to follow.

Bank returns to be crunched

Returning to Australia, the first clear prediction of the market (albeit right or wrong) is that the banks and the AMP are not going to hold their current rate of dividend. Without going into sophisticated estimates and simply using the yields on the stock exchange records the AMP is yielding around 10.8 per cent, 50 per cent franked. The market is clearly giving AMP little chance of holding its dividend based on the mass exodus of money that is taking place and the further attacks being mustered by the regulators. But remember that AMP is liquid because of the sale of its life business, and if the money outflow stabilises it may look at its options.

The next two doubtful ones are National Australia Bank (8.4 per cent fully franked) and Westpac (7.6 per cent fully franked). After franking credits both these banks are on yields above 10 per cent and once again the market has no confidence that they will be able to maintain their dividend. For NAB it is all about the liabilities of past mistakes and writs from class actions. Westpac is also in line for possible class actions, but the main fear with Westpac is the large volume of interest-only loans that it gave investors some four or five years ago which mature during 2019, and more importantly in 2020 – just when an ALP government would be pushing through the negative gearing rules.

CBA and ANZ have lower yields (6.5 per cent for ANZ and 6.2 per cent for CBA), which indicates that the market is a little more confident that these banks will be able to hold their dividends but the market is still indicating that a rate cut is possible.

In the US, Citibank is yielding around 3.3 per cent and Bank of America 2.4 per cent, so our bank yields are well out of line with the American leaders. And, of course, American banks have understood for a long time that they needed to retain their earnings to invest in technology. A lot of the problems our banks now face stems from their underinvestment in technology and their over payment of dividends.

Naturally, Australian dividend reductions will be a major blow to a large number of retirees who have relied on the big dividends from the big four banks and Telstra for their income (Telstra’s yield is less than the banks, but the shares are down more than 20 per cent so there is a dividend doubt there).

Assuming the ALP comes to power and can pass its retirement and pensioners tax, then cash franking credits will be eliminated to those who have invested their money outside industry (and big retail) superannuation funds. While taxing on the basis of the fund manager chosen is outrageous, the ALP is so far in front in the opinion polls that it does not care.

The Morgan surveys indicate that the fall in house and share prices is causing many people to reassess their retirement date and a lot more people will work for a longer period. As a sideline to this, when the percentage of the work force aged above 55 rises then the pressure for wage increases becomes much less because, for the most part, those over 55 are more interested in job security than they are in wage rises.

In both the US and Australia the fall in the market is indicating a possible slow down in the economy, and given the fall in the Australian banks, I think that here it is a clear indicator.

I don’t think the market prediction at this stage goes as far as a recession. But that slow down will affect the profits of a lot of companies. In the US, companies are overleveraged often because they foolishly bought back shares at what have become very high prices. The threat to Australia will come in 2020 when builders will have completed their full order books and will then be substantially reducing their level of work, particularly in Victoria.

Given that we are seeing a fall in stock markets around the world and not just in Australia and the US, I think we can assume markets are clearly predicting a global slow down. But it won’t be uniform and the trick for investment for 2019 will be picking those companies that ride through the downturn and those that the share market has been too harsh on.

The outlook for property

When it comes to residential property prices in Australia the decline is taking place simultaneously with the share market.

Normally it takes place much later. If the regulators keep squeezing the banks then house prices are likely continue to fall. It seems highly likely that the ALP will take office in May 2019 and Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen is adamant that he will proceed with his negative gearing changes. We were therefore looking at a fall of 15-20 per cent in many residential property markets.

But as I was completing this commentary, APRA – perhaps concerned about its image as a caring and sharing government instrumentality – has hit the panic button on the housing market and removed the cap on big four bank interest-only mortgages. APRA has woken up just how damaging their actions threaten to be. At least it’s a start and it means that the fall is likely to be less than 15 to 20 per cent, but I can’t emphasise too strongly that the residential property market is a whole series of markets in each state. There are differences between states and differences between suburbs in big capital cities.

Just this week a young couple approached me and said that they were looking at buying a house in the Geelong/Ballarat region area for around $450,000 and asked if they should wait until there is a significant fall so that the price falls. If lower priced good condition houses are going to fall it will require a much higher level of unemployment. On the other hand the incentives that are going to be offered to first home buyers will increase and we may see the industry funds help with higher interest bridging loans so that the deposit gap is assisted, but this will only apply to lower priced houses. I told them to go ahead as $450,000 houses near a train line will require a severe recession to be affected.

Assuming the opinion polls are right and we are about to have an ALP government then there will be a lot of policies that my readers will disagree with – including myself. But the impressive feature of the ALP during this time is that it is prepared to thrash out differences between themselves and they have a unity and discipline that simply doesn’t exist on the conservative side of politics.

So, in your planning, I think it is now prudent to assume an ALP government is coming May 2019. The good thing is that whoever gets into power is going to spend a lot of money to stimulate the economy and will attempt to prove the share market prediction wrong.

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