Porn or moral panic? Modern art's quandary

Artistic freedom and the threat of censorship are again dominating debate in the art world this week after police raided a St Kilda art gallery, seizing part of an installation. As artist Paul Yore waits to hear if he'll be charged under child pornography laws, civil liberties experts warn that whenever police consider criminal charges against an artist, the consequences are damaging.
By · 8 Jun 2013
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8 Jun 2013
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Artistic freedom and the threat of censorship are again dominating debate in the art world this week after police raided a St Kilda art gallery, seizing part of an installation. As artist Paul Yore waits to hear if he'll be charged under child pornography laws, civil liberties experts warn that whenever police consider criminal charges against an artist, the consequences are damaging.

"There is no right to not be offended," said Michael Stanton, vice-president of Liberty Victoria, in response to the police action at Linden Gallery last Saturday.

Police moved in when a member of the public complained that Yore's installation Everything is F---ed allegedly depicted sexual acts with children's faces superimposed on them.

Child pornography offences in Victoria carry a prison term of up to 10 years.

"The experience with Bill Henson in 2008 suggests that police should be very careful when considering bringing such charges against an artist," Stanton said. (Police raided a Sydney Henson exhibition that included depictions of naked adolescents, after a complaint by child protection campaigner Hetty Johnston, but the artist was never charged.)

Stanton says he has not seen the Yore exhibit. "But there is no doubt room for significant disagreement about whether something is pornographic or obscene, all the more so where the purpose of a work is satirical or seeking to explore issues of sexuality and commodification of bodies and images of young persons."

Arguably we have almost learnt to live with accusations of obscenity and pornography levelled at Australian artists, such as Mike Brown and Juan Davila. Penises and naked women abound in their work, yet the courts have rarely been required. In fact, Brown is the only Australian artist to have been prosecuted for obscenity (ironically, Yore's work was part of a gallery tribute to Brown).

Yet allegations of the inappropriate use of children as subject matter can take condemnation of an artist to a whole new level. Henson, Del Kathryn Barton and Polixeni Papapetrou have been vigorously scrutinised for the images of children in their work; and their supporters' defence of artistic freedom is often a cry in the wilderness.

The Yore case highlights the concern of many in the art world that social fears about child abuse and paedophilia are being displaced onto art - where the chance of real harm occurring to a child or a viewer is unlikely and probably impossible to detect.

Yore has received strong support from his peers this week, including Jason Smith, director of Heide Museum of Modern Art, where Yore has previously exhibited.

"Paul incorporates into his work images and the material detritus of the contemporary world to propose an image of a world gone mad through consumption and gross deregulation," Smith says.

"In one sense, his work might be commenting on the sexualisation of young people that anyone sees on a weeknight on commercial television, which can be hair-raising."

Juan Davila says Yore's collages clearly belong to the language and domain of art. "Why does our society live in a moral panic?" he said.

Davila's own work Stupid as a Painter was escorted out of a gallery in 1982, Doug Hall, former Queensland Art Gallery director, points out. Hall questions why contemporary art is singled out for attack by those purporting to represent current community standards.

"Look at Caravaggio's Judith Beheading Holofernes - we love violence as historic allegory and we like sex in all its cultural permutations, we just don't like it in contemporary [art]."

Nevertheless, at QAG he was required to follow the letter of the law when it came to controversial art. "We might have a view about whether the law is right or wrong, but in a public institution it's irrelevant," he says.

Public sentiment is not the only thing at stake for institutions. In Ballarat in 2011, a photograph of a semi-naked girl by Czech Republic artist Jan Saudek was removed from the city's international Foto Biennale following a public complaint. The director at the time said he feared the implications for his gallery's funding.

Linden Centre for Contemporary Arts chairwoman Sue Foley issued a brief statement this week saying the gallery, which had co-operated with the police, was "concerned about the nature of the allegations made against Yore, however it continues to support freedom of expression that has artistic merit. Further comment would be inappropriate as the matter may soon be before the courts," she said. The gallery has been closed since the raid.

Some art world figures are concerned that the effect of a single complaint (in the Yore, Henson and Saudek cases) can be works removed from view and galleries closed.

"One person complaining shouldn't feel they have the right to set a community standard," says Tamara Winikoff, executive director of peak body the National Association for the Visual Arts. "It has an impact on the gallery and its reputation, on the artist and on all the other artists who lose their exhibition opportunity."

Police are "caught in the middle" legitimately responding to a complaint, but needing to consider what is appropriate freedom of expression, she says, and they lack a set of principles to deal with such complaints. NAVA has advocated intermediary panels of artists and experts that would assess whether a work is legal and whether it is art.

There have been moves to codify the practices of artists working with children. Following the Henson controversy, the Australia Council formed a set of protocols for artists that address the depiction of children and their employment.

But Winikoff believes they were a knee-jerk reaction that "helped to fuel hysteria". Designed for grant recipients, they have had a wider impact, making artists more fearful of dealing with images of children, she says.

"They distract public attention from what people should be really worried about, which is genuine child porn ... I would bet 100 per cent it had no impact on child porn whatsoever."

In Liberty Victoria's view, before charges were even contemplated in the Yore case, more consultation with the artistic community and experts should have occurred.

"If the work has artistic merit, and is not mere reproductions of child pornography, then one would have to question how it could be appropriate to bring criminal charges," Stanton says. "I repeat that there is no right to not be offended."

Jason Smith believes the decision to close the gallery was too swift, and he decries the damage done to Yore's installation by police when they removed several small images.

"The work itself has been destroyed. There's a major deficiency in advocacy for the artist here, and I'm not the only person in the art world who's concerned about the organisational response to this."

He says that while Linden included warning signs for visitors who might have been offended by images in the work, there had been little concern since for Yore's "moral rights".

"I wonder why the gallery didn't lead that discussion before the work was destroyed.

"The hideous issues around child pornography are quite rightly policed and long may it continue." However, he rejects any proposal for a formalised body to monitor the content of artists' work as "too close to censorship."

Yore has not spoken publicly in the past few days, but immediately after parts of his installation were removed, he said the police action was "completely absurd".

"The work I feel has been taken completely out of context because they're very small fragments of a collage of a much larger work that constitute literally thousands of different objects I've found in society - basically junk I've been collecting."

Therein lies a complicating factor for any potential case against him. As a bower bird gathering objects for installations, where does this leave Yore under the law?

Says Hall: "It becomes an entirely new invention when artists use a ready-made [object in an art work]. Its purpose is reconfigured, it puts it in a new context and all sorts of new meanings take place."

Stanton says collage will also create significant difficulties for interpreting if any alleged child pornography offences have occurred.

With images of faces and bodies taken from different mass media sources, how can it be determined whether a child has been harmed in the work's production?

Stanton says that under Victorian legislation, there is a defence to the possession of child pornography that it "possesses artistic merit".

"However, there is no such defence to the charge of production of child pornography ... The act of 'production' has been defined very broadly by the courts, and it would seem it extends to the creation of artistic works. It has been defined as including downloading an image from the internet."

Where collage fits within this definition is uncertain.

He points out that Liberty Victoria recognises limits to freedom of expression such as incitement to violence, racial vilification and child pornography.

"A person could not merely place child pornography from the internet into a gallery and then claim it was art. There are limits to that right, but the boundaries between art and pornography are infamously blurred."

Bernie Geary, Victoria's Principal Commissioner for Children and Young People, is not swayed by arguments that art is a special case.

He has not seen the collage, but says combining images of children with bodies in sexually explicit poses was "incredibly disrespectful of a vulnerable child".

Nor is Geary sympathetic to the view of some that Yore's work is a critique and comment on the commodification of children.

"We've got huge problems around the commercial sexualisation of children. But is what [Yore] is doing in the best interests of children or is it just some philosophical jaunt? I'm not sure."

The blurred boundaries between child pornography and art will continue to bedevil artists and the community at large, and Yore's case is timely, given the recent Victorian Parliament law reform committee's inquiry into "sexting".

Stanton said the committee recommended that defences to child pornography charges be standardised "in light of the danger that sexting activity was being categorised as constituting child pornography offences. The committee did not consider the issue of artistic merit and freedom. The committee recognised that there were different defences to production and possession of child pornography".

Many of the concerns raised by submission writers to the committee, including Liberty Victoria, noted there was a danger of overcharging people with child pornography offences "because of the breadth of the definition at law", he said.

In 2008, then prime minister Kevin Rudd fanned the flames on national television by describing Henson's works - which he had never seen before - as "revolting". While he escaped a legal case, the artist was pilloried.

Winikoff, among others, believes artists are already self-censoring more than they did pre-2008.

Heide's Smith is not so sure. "I don't see it or sense it, but I fear it," he says. "Artists make us think in different ways, they are necessary in our lives and they have been for millennia ... Yet we live in conservative times."

Stanton points to the "danger of censorship having a chilling effect on freedom of expression. Equally, there is a danger that, by fanning the flames of controversy, those who would seek to censor only end up giving more prominence to the issue [and images] in the public realm, where others may seek to capitalise on the controversy for their own ends."
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