How to build an "expansive" retirement income
Summary: The Association of Super Funds of Australia calculates the income streams required for either a modest or comfortable retirement. We add onto that what’s required for an expansive retirement, and the assets needed to get there. |
Key take-out: By developing some benchmarks, it is possible to consider where we each of us is in terms of our path towards retirement. |
Key beneficiaries: General investors. Category: Retirement. |
One of the challenges around making personal finance decisions comes in relating financial progress to the end game – a retirement income.
This article looks to provide some guidelines around this topic, particularly looking at the progress toward a retirement lump sum, and what this lump sum might mean in terms of lifestyle in retirement. It does this by considering three questions:
- What level of retirement incomes is required for retirement quality?
- What are the retirement asset levels that provide this level of income?
- What level of assets are needed 10, 20, 30 and 40 years from retirement to be on track for the various retirement incomes?
Income levels and retirement quality
The Association of Super Funds of Australia (ASFA) has put together standards that detail the income required for various retirement lifestyles. These standards assume that the retirees in question own their own house with no mortgage.
ASFA calculates that for a ‘modest’ retirement a couple requires about $35,000 a year (using December quarter data), and for a ‘comfortable’ retirement about $60,000 a year is needed.
I have added a further category, an ‘expansive’ retirement, which I have calculated at $90,000 a year for a homeowning couple. This provides an additional $30,000 per year above a ‘comfortable’ retirement income and allows for extra living costs like a second car, more significant overseas travel (about $2,860 a year is budgeted for this in a ‘comfortable retirement), and more money for entertainment and housing costs.
The different income requirements, for both couples and singles, based on the retirees owning their home outright are set out below:
Table 1 – Table of Annual Retirement Incomes based on ASFA Retirement Standards (Dec 2016)
Modest Retirement |
Comfortable Retirement |
Expansive Retirement |
Couple Aged 65 (Dec Quarter 2016) |
$34,687 |
$59,808 |
$90,000 |
Single Aged 65 (Dec Quarter 2016) |
$24,108 |
$43,538 |
$66,000 |
Further details about these standards are available here.
Asset levels to provide retirement income streams
The next step is to consider the level of assets required to produce a given level of income. The first question here is, what is a reasonable rate at which to draw on assets in retirement?
There are, of course, a number of unknowns when considering this question including the future rate of return from investments, the number of years we will need to be drawing on our assets (i.e. we don’t know when we will die) and future changes to rules around superannuation and tax law.
My suggestion is that withdrawing from retirement assets at a rate of 4.5 per cent per year is a reasonably sustainable long-term withdrawal rate.
Significant research into the question of retirement withdrawal rates in the Australian context was carried out by academics Michael Drew and Adam Walk (2014) in a report titled, ‘How Safe are Retirement Rates in Retirement? An Australian Perspective’. They found that for a portfolio made up of 75 per cent shares and 25 per cent bonds/bank bills, over 40 years there is an 88 per cent chance that a portfolio will be able to provide inflation adjusted withdrawals equal to 4 per cent of the starting portfolio balance, and a 60 per cent chance that it will be able to provide withdrawals equal to 5 per cent of the starting portfolio balance.
However, it should be noted that this is based on historical data (1900 to 2011), where Australian share market returns have been amongst the strongest in the world. This might provide an inflated probability of a portfolio successfully enabling these withdrawal rates. They account for inflation by using ‘real’ (after inflation) returns for the investment returns.
The summary of this is that a withdrawal rate of between 4 per cent and 5 per cent, let us settle on 4.5 per cent of the initial retirement portfolio balance per year, increasing with inflation, is reasonable even over a long retirement timeframe like 40 years.
For further details about withdrawal rates in the Australian context, the financial services body Finsia provides a good resource.
Modest, comfortable and expansive
We now have to return to the question of the various levels of retirement income, and the assets needed to generate them.
To fund a ‘modest’ retirement, ASFA has said that $24,108 annually is needed for a single person and $34,687 annually for a couple (assuming home ownership). The age pension currently provides $23,095 for a single retiree and $34,819 for a couple.
This effectively means that provided you have paid off your mortgage by retirement, you are able to rely on the age pension for a ‘modest retirement’ (with perhaps a little extra in the bank to provide the $1000 per year shortfall for a single person). Of course, any assets (for example your compulsory superannuation) that you have accumulated will give you an income above this ‘modest’ level.
The calculations for the ‘comfortable’ retirement become somewhat more challenging. However, assuming a portfolio withdrawal rate of 4.5 per cent per year, it requires $968,000 of investment assets for a single retiree to generate the $43,538 of income for a comfortable retirement and, for a couple, $1,330,000 of investment assets to generate the $59,808 of income. These levels of assets put both the single and couple outside of the asset test limit to receive any part age pension.
Similarly, for an expansive retirement the single retiree requires $1,467,000 in investment assets to produce $66,000 of income and, for a couple, $2,000,000 of investment assets to produce $90,000 of income.
Table 2 - Investment and Superannuation Assets Required at Retirement
Modest Retirement |
Comfortable Retirement |
Expansive Retirement |
Couple |
$0 |
$1,330,000 |
$2,000,000 |
Single Person |
$0 |
$968,000 |
$1,567,000 |
Are we on track?
The last step in the puzzle is to set up some benchmarks to consider whether we are on track to build the investment assets to meet a set retirement lifestyle.
For this, I have assumed a 40-year saving period, for example someone starting at the age of 25 and saving for 40 years towards a retirement at age 65.
There are, of course, many variables. These include investment returns, contribution levels and the impact of inflation. Acknowledging this high level of uncertainty, the basis of these calculations is that if you can achieve an after-inflation investment return of around 5.5 per cent per year, and given reasonable additional contributions to your investments (for example compulsory superannuation contributions, salary sacrifice contributions, investments outside of superannuation), then it should be possible to double your investment balance every 10 years.
As a justification of this ‘double your assets in 10 years’, let’s consider a couple who are looking for an expansive income in retirement, and have $1,000,000 10 years before retirement. Using ASIC’s MoneySmart savings calculator, and assuming an investment return of 5.5 per cent above inflation, monthly contributions of $1700 per month over the 10 years are required to end up with a $2,000,000 balance. That seems to be doable given that the $1700 per month would include any compulsory employer superannuation contributions.
The following table sets out how an investment balance would need to progress to provide both retired singles and couples with comfortable and expansive lifestyles.
Table 3 – Current Dollar Value Benchmarks Leading to Retirement Lifestyles
Benchmarks, Couple Homeowner, Expansive Lifestyle |
Benchmarks, Single Homeowner, Expansive Lifestyle |
Benchmarks, Couple Homeowner, Comfortable Lifestyle |
Benchmark, Single Homeowner, Comfortable Lifestyle |
30 Years to Retirement |
$250,000 |
$195,875 |
$166,250 |
$121,000 |
20 Years to Retirement |
$500,000 |
$391,750 |
$332,500 |
$242,000 |
10 Years to Retirement |
$1,000,000 |
$783,500 |
$665,000 |
$484,000 |
Retirement |
$2,000,000 |
$1,567,000 |
$1,330,000 |
$968,000 |
The problem with these benchmarks is that they are great today, however in five, 10 and 15 years’ time these dollar values will not be meaningful because of inflation.
However, by dividing each figure by the current average wage (as measured by average ordinary time earnings, which currently sits at $79,716 per year), we can update these benchmarks for the future.
Table 4 – Average Annual Wage Benchmarks Leading to Retirement Lifestyles
Benchmarks, Couple Homeowner, Expansive Lifestyle |
Benchmarks, Single Homeowner, Expansive Lifestyle |
Benchmarks, Couple Homeowner, Comfortable Lifestyle |
Benchmark, Single Homeowner, Comfortable Lifestyle |
30 Years to Retirement
3.1 times Average Annual Wage |
2.5 times Average Annual Wage |
2.1 times Average Annual Wage |
1.5 times Average Annual Wage |
20 Years to Retirement
6.3 times Average Annual Wage |
4.9 times Average Annual Wage |
4.2 times Average Annual Wage |
3.0 times Average Annual Wage |
10 Years to Retirement
12.5 timesAverage Annual Wage |
9.8 times Average Annual Wage |
8.3 times Average Annual Wage |
6.1 times Average Annual Wage |
25.1 times Average Annual Wage |
19.7 times Average Annual Wage |
16.7 times Average Annual Wage |
12.1 times Average Annual Wage |
The AFSA calculations of the different costs of different retirement lifestyles are a great starting point to consider the adequacy of asset levels leading up to retirement.
By developing some benchmarks, albeit rough benchmarks, it is possible to consider where we are in terms of our path towards retirement.
The biggest limitation to these calculations is that it tends to assume a fairly equal rate of saving over a 40-year period, whereas the reality is that there are times when mortgage payments, family expenses, career breaks and unexpected emergencies will get in the way of the ability to save.
However, as a really broad benchmarking tool, it provides information on progress toward retirement.