Future returns and the price earnings ratio

Can the market's PE be used as a reliable guide?
By · 10 Jan 2019
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10 Jan 2019
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Summary: The ASX is trading below its long run average price-to-earnings ratio. What does long-term performance show?

Key take-out: Shares in the average portfolio of companies, bought at reasonable PE ratios, seem to have provided acceptable returns over longer periods.


After finishing 2018 in negative territory, with the All Ordinaries Index closing at 5709.40 from 6167.30 at the end of 2017, the biggest question for investors is what will 2019 look like?

The quote, along the lines that "prediction is difficult, especially when it is about the future" is one that I have seen attributed to a variety of people – whoever it has come from, it is worth keeping in mind. In talking about future returns and forecasts, we need to be realistic about how very difficult this is to do. Indeed, we only have to go back to last June to see people who forecasted markets levels of 6500 for the ASX200 at the end of 2018, and we now know how wrong they were.

Having emphasised the importance of being humble about how hard forecasting is, I want to suggest that there is some interesting information contained about future returns of shares in the PE ratio of the market.

Currently, State Street Global Advisors estimate the price-to earnings (PE) ratio of the ASX200 is 14.4. This is considered a little bit less than the long run market average PE ratio of about 15, and in the world of PE ratios, all else being equal, less is better, implying a higher level of earnings to the current price of shares.

While there is a lot of talk about PE ratios, I find it somewhat more useful, and more intuitive, to look at the inverse of the PE ratio. If we divide 1 by the PE ratio (1/14.4 = 6.9 per cent), we get the earnings yield of the market. The earnings yield provides an interesting guide. It measures the earnings, compared to the price of investments. A person with an average market investment at the moment would have companies earning $6,900 for every $100,000 invested. That $6,900 won’t all show up as dividends – some of the earnings will be re-invested by companies, some paid as dividends, but it is the underlying earnings.

If we look forward, making some fairly big assumptions, including that markets continue to be priced at a PE ratio of around 15, and that companies increase their income and expenses by about the rate of inflation, then the after inflation return from shares should be equal to the earnings yield. That is, each year earnings should increase with inflation, and so the earnings yield should be equal to the after inflation return that investors receive.

Jeremy Siegel, Wharton Business School Professor, has written about the fact that the earnings yield is a good "predictor of long run real returns" (real meaning after inflation), and that the average PE ratio of 15 equates to the average real return of 6.7 per cent pa from investing in shares.

The question is – how well does this work in a practical sense? Of course, this is very interesting for us at a period of time when the PE ratio of the market is around, or even slightly lower than, 15.

To test this, I have looked for eight occasions, two from each of the past four decades, where the average market PE ratios have been close to 15 at either the end of the calendar year or the end of the financial year. I have then used the Vanguard Investment data base of returns to calculate the return that the investor received from investing at that point of time – to see if they got a ‘reasonable’ rate of return, in the range of 6.7 per cent pa plus inflation. 

The following table sets out the results – and I find them very interesting. The executive summary is that if you had bought and held an average portfolio of shares from the eight data points when the PE ratio of the market was around 15, you would have received a very reasonable rate of return. 

The average returns from these periods from the past four decades are clustered between 7.6 per cent and 10.4 per cent pa, all very reasonable returns over a period that has, particularly recently, been characterised by low interest rates and low inflation.The fourth column of the table sets out the value of $10,000 if it had been invested at any of the eight points in time, as a reminder of the impressive job the sharemarket does of creating wealth over reasonable periods of time. 

Starting Date

PE Ratio

Return to Most Current Data (either 31 Dec 2017 or 30 June 2018)

Growth of 10,000 Invested Over That Time – Capturing the Average Market Return after Costs

June 1986


9.7% PA


June 1988


9.1% PA


December 1991


9.4% PA


December 1994


9.6% PA


December 2002


9.5% PA


June 2005


7.6% PA


December 2012




June 2014




As we look at the returns, it is interesting to keep in mind some of the tremendous volatility and significant market events that we have seen over this period of time: the 1987 sharemarket crash, the recession of the early 1990s, the Asian currency crisis, and the Global Financial Crisis. Through all of these external events, Australian shares, held at the eight data points around a PE ratio of 15, have provided a reasonable return.

It reminds me of the Benjamin Graham quote, "In the short term the market is a voting machine, in the long term it is a weighing machine". Shares in the average portfolio of companies, bought at reasonable PE ratios, seem to have provided acceptable returns over longer periods.


The truth is we don’t know what will happen in the ‘voting machine’ over the next 12 months, something that by itself is useful to keep in mind during the ‘forecasting season’. 

We do find ourselves at an interesting point in time with share prices around, or even just below, their long run average PE ratio of about 15. Jeremy Siegel has suggested that a PE ratio of around 15 is suggestive of a long-term after inflation return of between 6 per cent and 7 per cent pa.   

An examination of similar times over the past four decades suggests that this has held true for the Australian market. So while we don’t know what short-term price movements might do, there is a reasonable basis to think that shares held now should provide reasonable long run returns.

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