Four limitations with margin loans

The structural limitations that geared investors are exposed to.
By · 20 Mar 2019
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20 Mar 2019
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Summary: Although well down from their pre-GFC peak, there is still $45 billion in available credit to equities investors.

Key take-out: Investors should be aware of the downsides to margin loans including the high interest rates charged.


In December 2007, Reserve Bank of Australia statistics tell us that Australians had margin loan facilities with available credit of $89 billion (aggregate credit limit), of which $42 billion was collectively used.

This was around the market high before the Global Financial Crisis nearly halved the value of Australian shares from 2007 to 2009.

Moving forward to today (the December 2018 RBA data) and we find that the available credit has halved to $45 billion, with only $11 billion of that credit used. 

There are very few financial products that I can think of that fall in popularity by 75 per cent over a 10-year period, and while the GFC has hardly seen a ‘normal’ period for investors, there is a heightened awareness by many of the limitations of margin loans.

Research firm Investment Trends has recently released its 2018 Margin Lending Adviser Report, which reports that the majority of financial planners and stockbrokers believe that gearing has a role to play in client portfolio – although the report acknowledges that gearing can be pursued through options other than just margin loans, including home equity products and geared managed funds. 

In my previous article, I talked about some of the risks that investors faced through a gearing strategy, particularly the risk of losing 100 per cent of the investment capital of a portfolio, a risk that I think is not talked about enough.  In this article I want to focus on margin loans and propose four structural limitations that they expose investors to.

1. They are high interest loans;

2. Loan to value ratios can be changed by investors;

3. There remain conflicts of interest for an adviser or broker recommending them;

4. They add another layer to ‘black swan’ events.

Let’s consider each of these in turn.

1. They are high interest loans.

As an example of a current market rate of a margin loan, let’s consider the current BT margin loan – with an interest rate of 6.65 per cent - a significant 515 basis points above the RBA target cash rate of 1.5 per cent.

Given that a margin loan is, in essence, a race between the cost of interest and the returns from an asset class, where you win if the returns outpace the interest costs - starting with such a high interest rate decreases the chances that the asset class will outperform the interest rate.

Borrowing using a mortgage, for example, sees an interest rate 250 basis points, or more, cheaper.

In the longer term, and based on the current gap between cash rates and margin loan interest rates, a cash rate closer to the average of 5 per cent a year would see margin loan rates above 10 per cent - not credit card expensive, but still a significant cost that reduces the chances of a successful investment experience. 

2. Loan to value (LVR) ratios can be changed by the lender.

Loan to value ratios are an important part of margin loans – they dictate how much a lender is prepared to lend against an asset, for example a particular company’s shares.  From time to time the lender will change the amount they are prepared to lend against a company’s shares, including reducing the amount they are prepared to lend.

This is a real challenge for investors. Effectively a ‘margin call’ that requires extra cash to be deposited to the margin facility or a forced sale of an asset, on the back of the lender changing the LVRs. Not being in control of this, or effectively having the borrowing power of a significant asset change in value and reduce the size of your loan, is challenging.  What is more challenging is that if the lender reduces the LVR of a share you own following a significant fall in value of an investment asset you are struggling with two impacts, the fall in value of the share and the reduced lending power of that share.  The worst case here is that you are a forced seller when values are down.

3. The conflict of interest in a margin loan.

In the past margin loans have been attractive payers of trailing commissions, meaning that the potential extra revenue from a margin loan paid to the financial planner a client can never be sure whether the loan is in their interest, or their advisers.

 However, even without a trailing commission, encouraging investors to borrow to invest potentially creates more work, volume and fees for an adviser - for example through brokerage or an ongoing advice fee.

The conflict of interest has become more subtle, but the recommendation of a margin loan does mean a bigger portfolio and more ability for the financial services industry to create fees.

4. Margin loans make a 'black swan' event more challenging.

When an economy goes through a positive time, then using a margin loan potentially creates great results on the back of increasing investment values.

When times get challenging, however, there can be a number of factors working together to really hurt an investor with a margin loan facility. Consider, for example, a combination of higher interest rates, falling share prices and a margin lender who is reducing the amount that they are prepared to lend against some assets.

This scenario doesn’t take into account factors at a personal level, for example a decrease in, or loss of income right at the time when a contribution to a margin loan might be required.


The significant fall in use of margin loans over the past 10 years is likely to have been impacted by the difficult GFC investment conditions.  That said, there has been little sign of interest returning to margin loans.  People thinking about a margin loan strategy should be aware of the way relatively high interest rates, conflicts of interest, changing loan conditions (LVRs) and challenging times might impact them.

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