Editor's Picks

In this week's reading guide, Kohler looks at Australia's next boom, Bartholomeusz appraises Cameron Clyne's tenure at NAB and Gottliebsen gives some advice to Immigration Minister Scott Morrison.
By · 4 Apr 2014
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4 Apr 2014
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Australia’s new boom: human beings
Alan Kohler
Australia’s population is rising at the fastest rate in the Western world, and the flow-on effects to housing and infrastructure are set to feed the next economic upswing.

How Clyne cleared the hurdles in NAB’s path
Stephen Bartholomeusz
Departing NAB chief executive Cameron Clyne inherited an underweight retail bank with damaging UK exposures, but his legacy ensures his successor will be free of those structural challenges.

Morrison braves himself for another battlefield
Robert Gottliebsen
Scott Morrison's successful stint as Immigration Minister has made him a prime contender for the top defence job, but he must stand his ground amid fire from critics.

Hockey’s inherited a house of cards
Rob Burgess
Imbalances spotlighted by the Financial Services Inquiry could throw up plenty of nasty political problems for Joe Hockey - including the question of why the sector's so disproportionately tilted towards housing.

Chinese property bubble trouble?
Peter Cai
Concern is growing among investors about the health of the real estate sector in China, and there’s plenty of evidence to weigh up on whether a major correction is imminent.

ARENA’s future in doubt
Tristan Edis
In a highly unusual move ARENA's CEO has issued a letter to potential funding applicants which suggests the organisation's future is in serious doubt. And the response from the Minister to the letter is not reassuring. Is the RET next?

Telstra fans its FTTN feathers
Supratim Adhikari
Telstra’s reported fibre-to-the-node pilot is an exercise designed to conclusively display its construction prowess and engineer an outcome that sees more money flow into its coffers.

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Why Andrew Bolt’s distress is truly uncomfortable
Michael Gawenda
That Andrew Bolt had expected more support from Jewish leaders for his free speech campaign suggests uncomfortable things in the context of the debate over section 18C.

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Budget tinkering will worsen the long-term pain
Callam Pickering
The Commission of Audit's outlook for Australia's federal budget is bleaker than many expected, and its structural issues will deteriorate further without big-picture reforms.

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