Are we paying too much for dividends?

Dividends are suddenly crucial to investors and companies alike - but just now they are not cheap by historical standards.
By · 10 Dec 2014
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10 Dec 2014
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Summary: A recent report shows dividends have increased globally since the bottom of the GFC. Large Australian companies have also increased their dividends since 2009. But the gross level of dividends in Australia at the moment is within the range of previous historical dividend yields, yet is still lower than the average.

Key take out: In Australia dividends look reasonable but not cheap in a historical context.

Key beneficiaries: General investors. Category: Shares.

$1.19 trillion. That's the total value of global dividends to be paid to investors in the 2014 calendar year, according to the latest Henderson Global Dividend Index report. And the figure is forecast to increase to $1.24 trillion in 2015.

This index is not an index that can be invested in, like the ASX200 index. Rather, it is a measure of the dividends paid by global companies. It starts in the year 2009 (the time of the market bottom of the Global Financial Crisis), and had an index value of 100. Not surprisingly the index has increased since then as companies have increased their dividends in the subsequent years – and now measures 159.9 (at the end of the third quarter, 2014).

In Australia the figure is less impressive, but no less interesting. The market capitalisation (total value of listed companies) in Australia was $1.6 trillion dollars at the end of October 2014. The current market average yield in Australia is 4.42%, which would give us a total value of $70.7 billion dollars of dividends paid in Australia each year.

The Australian market has the added dividend benefit of franking credits. If we assume an average franking rate for the market of 70%, then that gives us a total pool of franking credits of $21.2 billion dollars – or gross dividends (franking plus cash) of $91.9 billion dollars. There is the chance for an interesting exercise in benchmarking here. The ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) estimates that there are 23.7 million people in Australia. That means that the per person dividends from the Australian market (cash plus franking credits) equal $3,880.

The growth of dividends

The Henderson Global Dividend Index provides a great insight into the role of growth in dividends. While it only started in 2009, it has already shown the way that dividends have grown over that time, from a starting index value of 100 through to 144.4 at the end of 2013. Dividend growth is crucial for investors, as it is the characteristic of dividends that allows them to keep pace with inflation – in a practical sense the growth is what allows the income from shares to retain their purchasing power.

The following table shows the change in dividends of large Australian companies from 2009 to 2014, and also suggests that dividends are growing over time.

The anecdotal data that comes from looking at Australian shares over 2009 to 2014 is that dividend growth in Australia would appear to be attractive.

The Global Investment Yearbook, published by The London Business School and Credit Suisse, would support this. The 2011 edition particularly looked at dividends, and found that in Australia, over the period 1900 to 2012, dividend growth had been 1.1% a year greater than inflation. Some caution should be shown in projecting these sort of figures forward, as the Australian share market was one of the best performing in the world over this period, a result that is not guaranteed to be repeated (see Australian shares: The best in the world over a century). Across the world dividend growth over this time period (1900 to 2010) was 0.8% a year greater than inflation – however for the purpose of realistic expectations, there were countries where dividend growth had been less than inflation.

Now and then: History of dividends in the Australian market over time

It is also interesting to compare the dividend yield at different times in Australia's history. I have done this by looking at the average dividend yield every 10 years, starting from 1890. To do this I used the Australian Historical Statistics book that was produced for the 1988 Bicentenary. For historical dividends there is no difference between the net and gross yields as franking was not in place – however the value of franking is relevant to the comparison of today's dividends.

I think the general summary might be that the gross level of dividends at the moment, 5.75%, is within the range of previous historical dividend yields but lower than the average. This may be explained by the fact that share market investments in Australia from 1890 were significantly riskier as they would have been in developing companies without the history of legal or political stability that exists now.


$1.19 trillion is a lot of money – and reflects the continued improvement in global dividends that is measured by the Henderson Global Dividend Index. In Australia dividends look reasonable – not cheap – in a historical context. A key reason for having shares in a portfolio for most people is the ability of dividends to grow over time. The Henderson Global Dividend Index highlights the value of this benefit, as does the historical data from owning Australian shares.

Scott Francis is a personal finance commentator, and previously worked as an independent financial adviser. The comments published are not financial product recommendations and may not represent the views of Eureka Report. To the extent that it contains general advice it has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on it you should consider its appropriateness, having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs.

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