The Week in Review: June 8, 2018

Markets rebound despite geopolitical soap operas.
By · 8 Jun 2018
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8 Jun 2018
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Investment markets and key developments over the past week

  • The past week saw share markets rebound as investors refocussed a bit away from the geopolitical soap operas, and back to favourable underlying global growth. This saw major share markets rebound, although Eurozone shares were constrained by ongoing weakness in Italian shares, and bond yields rise which was accentuated by indications that the European Central Bank (ECB) is getting closer to phasing out its bond buying program. Commodity prices also rose and this along with some better local data saw the Australian dollar rise slightly. Australian shares benefited from the positive global lead with resources shares leading the charge back up but yield sensitive utilities, telcos and real estate shares under some pressure. Some emerging markets remained under pressure though – notably Brazil and Turkey.
  • Trade angst continues – but this still doesn't feel anything like 1929 (or 1971). Nervousness around global trade continued over the last week with the latest round of US-China trade talks in Beijing ending without a joint statement, talk that the US may engage in bilateral talks with Mexico and Canada which would effectively kill the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the G7 Finance Ministers meeting (and it looks like the G7 Leaders meeting too) turning into a G6 versus the US regarding trade (but offering little new beyond a lot of noise). However, two things are worth noting. First it does seem that the US and China are making incremental progress on their trade dispute. There has been no negative comment from the US and there has been talk they may be trading objectives in terms of how much China will buy from the US. There is a good chance that while the US will provide the final list of Chinese imports to be subject to a 25 per cent tariff on June 15, but that implementation will be delayed. Second, the US tariffs at around 3 per cent of total imports are a non-event compared to US tariff hikes of 1929 and 1971 which covered virtually all imports and their tax revenue is trivial compared to the fiscal stimulus being pumped into the US. So even if they are implemented and there is proportional retaliation we are a long way from a full-blown trade war.
  • Italy clearly remains an issue. Sure an early election has been averted but the new Government's proposed 6 per cent of GDP fiscal easing leaves it on a collision course with the European Commission and arguably with bond markets. It will take a while, but the problem will likely come to a head on September 20 when the Government will present its budget for evaluation. Anticipating this, Italian bond yields have shot up again and this will weigh on Italian shares, and the Euro, given the risk that conflict over the budget could morph into talk of an ‘Itexit'. However, given the difficulties involved in leaving the Euro and popular support for it (ranging from 57 per cent to 72 per cent depending on the opinion poll), ultimately Italy will likely stay in and so a fiscal compromise will be reached. On this front two things are worth noting. Firstly, the European Commission will probably provide Italy with a bit of leeway. Secondly German Chancellor Merkel is starting to lend support to some of French President Macron's proposals for strengthening the Eurozone. This could form part of a broader compromise with Italy.
  • Meanwhile, the ECB looks on track to phase down its quantitative easing program through the December quarter, with an announcement possible at its meeting in the week ahead. The ECB looks to have to come to the view that it doesn't want to be seen to be encouraging an irresponsible budget blow out in Italy. It's also worth noting that the ECB has already been phasing down its QE program – it was cut from €80 billion a month to €60 billion a month for last year and then to €30 billion a month for this year to September and as with the Fed, an end to QE does not mean rate hikes are imminent. The Fed took more than a year after QE ended in October 2014 to start to hike rates. The ECB is likely to stress that rate hikes remain a long way off, and an ECB rate hike may not come until 2020. And if things go pear shaped they can always start up QE again.
  • Short term bank funding costs settling back down in the US – but not in Australia. This is surprising given that it was the rise in US short term funding costs that drove up Australian short-term funding costs … but if it's sustained it will put pressure on Australian banks to raise some mortgage rates as banks source 20 per cent of their funding from this source.

Source: Bloomberg, AMP Capital

Major global economic events and implications

  • US data remains strong with a rebound in the non-manufacturing conditions ISM index, continuing strength in job openings, ongoing low jobless claims and the trade deficit falling to its lowest since September last year. In fact the US now has more job openings than there are unemployed people.The Atlanta Fed's tracker of GDP growth for this quarter puts it at 4.5 per cent annualised – something the Fed can't ignore, which means ongoing upwards pressure on interest rates.
  • German factory orders fell for the fourth month in a row in April highlighting the softer tone in Eurozone economic data this year – all of which is Euro negative.
  • Japanese data was on the soft side with weakness in household spending and the services PMI.
  • Chinese export growth stayed strong at 12.6 per cent YoY in April and import growth rose to 26 per cent YoY, indicating domestic demand remains strong

Australian economic events and implications

  • After weeks of softness, Australian data showed pleasing strength over the last week, but it's unlikely to be sustained. March quarter GDP growth of 1 per cent quarter on quarter or 3.1 per cent year on year, April retail sales and ANZ job ads all rose more than expected and the trade surplus remained solid in April. It would be premature to break out the champagne though. In recent years the Australian economy has seen several quarterly growth spikes to 1 per cent or so only to see growth slip back again. March quarter growth was driven by a combination of public spending, dwelling investment, stockpiling and export volumes all of which won't be sustained. In the meantime, consumer spending is likely to remain constrained by low wages growth, tightening bank lending standards, higher petrol prices and a negative wealth effect from falling home prices. So we remain of the view that growth will average just below 3 per cent going forward. Good – but not good enough to cut into high levels of unemployment and underemployment. As a result we remain of the view that the RBA won't be raising rates until at least 2020.

Shane Oliver is the Chief Economist at AMP Capital.

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