Pension hazard ahead: Act now

TTR pensions will turn into a tax trap for some from Saturday.
By · 28 Jun 2017
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28 Jun 2017
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Summary: For those who have met a condition of release, staying in a transition to retirement pension after July 1 will result in the payment of unnecessary tax at the rate of 15 per cent. But it's easy to switch to an account-based pension.

Key take-out: It's not too late for transition to retirement pensions to be updated to tax-free account-based pensions, but you must act now.

For a year, it has felt like we've been madly running a race that finishes on Friday night at midnight.

For many, that will be the case. A year-long marathon, with a sprint finish. And a new, longer but slower, marathon starts on Saturday morning.

But Friday night is not the end of anything really. For most of you reading this, it will simply by a point marker in time, when a few rules have changed, and starting the beginning of some real work. Some big decisions.

Some of those decisions, which I will return to in coming weeks, include applying for capital gains tax relief and which assets to keep in your pension fund.

One of the biggest affected groups will be those on transition to retirement (TTRs) pensions.

According to peak industry body ASFA (the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia), there are 270,000 Australians who are on TTRs, either through self-managed super funds (SMSFs) or APRA-regulated funds.

TTRs are those pension income streams started by people who have not yet met a condition of release, but who have reached preservation age and are able to draw a pension of between 4 per cent and 10 per cent from their super fund.

From July 1, 2017, TTR pension funds will be taxed, inside the fund, for the first time. (If you are over 60, you will still receive any pension payments tax-free. But your fund itself will have to pay tax on earnings and gains.)

And what does it mean for them to be taxed from July 1?

Let's take a $500,000 TTR pension fund. It is earning taxable income of 7 per cent a year, from a combination of sources, including dividends, interest and rent and some discounted capital gains. Of this $35,000 in income, it needs to pay tax at 15 per cent. That's $5250 in new tax the fund will have to pay each year, from July 1 onwards.

Why has the government done this? Because TTRs were not being used for the purpose for which they were intended, which was to allow older Australians to reduce their working hours.

Instead of Australians supplementing their incomes with a TTR pension as they shifted from, say, five days to four or three days … TTR pensions, combined with salary sacrifice, had simply become a way to minimise tax and maximise superannuation via salary sacrifice in the lead-up to retirement.

(Those using the system didn't invent the rules. They were just making the most of them.)

As a result, successive governments have been chipping away at the effectiveness of TTRs. And this one is close to the final straw. It will, for a considerable number of people, make TTRs line ball, if worthwhile at all.

Many will, or should, decide to stop their TTR and, as a result, roll back their TTR pension to accumulation. While they will be paying 15 per cent earnings on the fund that has been rolled back, they would not have to withdraw between 4 per cent and 10 per cent of their pension fund each year.

The trick to maintaining the status quo

Until July 1, the main difference between a TTR and a regular account-based pension (ABP) was that with a TTR, you were limited to taking 10 per cent of your fund as an income stream. With an ABP, you gain unrestricted access to your pension.

But with the introduction of taxation of fund earnings, TTRs and ABPs become markedly different. And it becomes highly important, therefore, that if you are able to switch your TTR into an ABP, that you should.

How can this be done?

A TTR is started by someone who has reached preservation age, but has not yet ceased work. They have not met a condition of release.

However, many who start a TTR later meet a condition of release. They might not realise they have done so. And, prior to July 1, 2017, it didn't really matter, as there was no change in tax consequences.

You can change your TTR pension into an ABP if you have met a suitable condition of release. Even if that happened a number of years ago.

For the purpose of this example, let's talk about the three main “conditions of release”.

  1. Turning 65. The ultimate condition of release.
  2. Turning 60 and ceasing an arrangement of gainful employment.
  3. Reaching preservation age and permanently retiring from the workforce.

Because of the new taxation of TTRs, it is important for you to make sure your super fund knows that you have met a condition of release. It needs to be noted and accepted by the fund's trustees.

If you have turned 65, there should be no need to worry from July 1. Your super fund should automatically change your TTR pension to an ABP. No further taxation.

However, if you are on a TTR pension and met a condition of release some time after that, your super fund won't necessarily know that you have qualified to switch your TTR into an ABP. And you are about to have your fund taxed unnecessarily.

For example, you turned on a TTR pension on your 60th birthday. A couple of years later, you changed jobs, or were made redundant, but found another job fairly quickly.

If you end an employment arrangement after age 60, you are eligible to have your funds turned unrestricted non-preserved and, therefore, have your TTR turn into an ABP.

Similarly, if you have reached preservation age (see table below) and are permanently retired from the workforce, or never intend to work more than 10 hours a week again, you can also qualify to have your benefits moved restricted to unrestricted non-preserved and to have your TTR switched to an ABP.

Table 1: Attaining preservation age

Born after ...

Born before ...

Preservation age



















For those with SMSFs who are being provided with personal tax advice, this is something your advisers should be raising with you. “Have you, at some stage, hit a trigger that could stop your super fund being taxed?”

However, if you are in an APRA-regulated fund, particularly if you don't have an adviser, you are highly unlikely to get a phone call to discuss your situation. If you're lucky, you'll get a generic letter. Which you will probably ignore. Because it will be poorly worded and it won't look like it relates to you.

The advice to the super fund can be of a historical nature – that is, if it happened some years ago, you can still apply to have your super fund status changed, even if you are now fully back in the workforce.

For example, let's say you started a TTR at age 60. But at age 62, you changed jobs, or were made redundant. You quickly found another job. But you're now 63.

Contact your super fund (or your adviser) and ask them what sort of paperwork or proof they require that you changed jobs.

The bigger your TTR fund, the more tax you will save by getting these details to them sooner rather than later.

Preferably before July 1 – in other words, before Friday.

The information contained in this column should be treated as general advice only. It has not taken anyone's specific circumstances into account. If you are considering a strategy such as those mentioned here, you are strongly advised to consult your adviser/s, as some of the strategies used in these columns are extremely complex and require high-level technical compliance.

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