Brickworks poised to capitalise on warehouse demand

Alex Gluyas speaks with the Managing Director of Brickworks, Lindsay Partridge, about the increasing demand for industrial property and warehouse facilities, how COVID has impacted its Building Products arm in the US and how its large position in Washington H Soul Pattinson allows it to consistently pay out a dividend.
By · 7 Jul 2020
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7 Jul 2020
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Lindsay Partridge is the Managing Director of Brickworks (ASX: BKW).

Brickworks has several arms which include its building products in Australia and North America, an investment arm through a near 40 per cent holding in Washington H Soul Pattinson, and then an industrial property trust which is a 50/50 joint venture with Goodman Group. There has been quite a bit of hype around Brickworks’ industrial property arm given the increasing demand for warehouse space to pack online shopping orders.

I discussed that with Lindsay which also includes being part of a recent long-term lease deal with Amazon in Western Sydney. The building products operations in Australia and North America have also been impacted by the COVID lockdowns and particularly riots in the US. In the meantime, Brickworks has still been able to raise its interim dividend which is something the company is renowned for doing.

Here is Lindsay Partridge, the Managing Director of Brickworks.

Table of contents:
Property trust
Warehouse demand
COVID's impact on rent
Interest in Washington H Soul Pattinson
Brickworks Building Products US
Brickworks Building Products Australia

Thanks for joining us, Lindsay. Could you start off by giving us a brief overview of Brickworks’ corporate structure?

Yeah, Brickworks is a bit of an unusual company. We have about 75 per cent of our assets are investments and about a quarter of our assets are in property and the other half is an investment with Washington H Soul Pattinson which is worth just a little bit shy of $2 billion and the property is worth about $730 million. The situation with Washington H Soul Pattinson is a cross-shareholding, it was set up in 1968 and it’s legal to exist because it’s grandfathered but that wouldn’t be something you’d be allowed to do today.

It has been pivotal in supporting Brickworks to the point that the other quarter of the business is building products and building products can be very volatile and you’ve got to get through tough periods and that’s always allowed us to have income and to invest when the market has been down. It’s been a very good relationship and of course, as I said it’s worth $2 billion, our original investment was only $26 million so it’s been a fabulous return over that time. The building products, there’s two parts, Australia and the United States and that’s the final piece of the puzzle.

I guess maybe we start off with the property trust which includes that 50 per cent joint venture, the industrial property trust with Goodman Group. What does that include?

We kicked that off in 2008 and it’s been a great relationship with Goodman. We had a lot of land, we had old brickworks and things that were coming up and where the outcome was residential there is no future position so we could just sell them. A lot of the land we had was zoned industrial and I always felt that if we sold it then we could pay a special dividend or something to the shareholders, they get a sugar hit and that’d be the end of it. By putting them in the trust we’ve got to ride along with it and with cap rate compression as interest rates have dropped then the value of that has exploded.

The total value of that is currently $2 billion, it’s over four or five parcels here in Western Sydney and one parcel at Rochedale in Queensland, about 12 kilometres south of the city. At the moment we still have plenty of land to develop and there’s potential there that could continue at the rate it has for another five or ten years with the land that we have available.

Just in terms of that industrial property space, especially with COVID, there’s been that big transition to online shopping and I guess that really increases the value of your industrial property given the demand for warehouses and things like that going up.

Yeah, but there’s another angle to it as well. No doubt the demand is fantastic and you’ve heard in the last week it was announced that we’ve got Amazon to come onto our site, which is fantastic but prior to that, we had Coles. These are modern warehouse facilities, a traditional warehouse facility was just a single story, semi-trailers in one side, semi-trailers out the other, but these warehouses are quite different. They’re 30 metres high, or 10 stories high, and there’s some sort of automation inside and trucks come in one side and delivery vans go out the other. The value of these, of course, is significantly higher than a single story warehouse, virtually you’re doubling the value per square metre that goes into these warehouses.

Yeah, and so just on that Amazon deal and the Coles deal last year, that’s out of your Oakdale West facility in Western Sydney, isn’t it?

That’s correct, yes.

What percentage of capacity is that at at the moment in terms of let capacity?

We’re still putting the services in, that’s a new property that’s come online, it’s a big property, about 90-odd hectares, and those two buildings will take about a third of it.

Right, and so when are you expecting to reach 100 per cent leased capacity by?

If it continues at the rate it has and a couple more big buildings it looks as if that parcel goes sort of like the next five or seven years.

Right, I want to kind of hone in on how COVID has impacted this area, what impact has that had on rent and demand in general?

I think we had a number of tenants who renegotiated the arrangements but we extended their lease and gave a bit of an interest-free period so that would work out pretty well. We’ve only had one that’s had some difficulty so basically it hasn’t had much impact at all and most of our tenants are the sort of companies that actually benefit from this situation, they’ve actually seen an upturn in their business. It effectively hasn’t had an impact as far as our rental income, we only have one property which we built as a spec that’s currently empty and we might lease that to somebody on a short term basis until we get a long term tenant. We’re pretty close to full capacity is the bottom line, so it hasn’t really affected here at all.

So that area of your business seems to be one that’s kind of really thriving and has that offset what’s happened in the building products division? That seems to have been quite impacted from the lockdowns, both in Australia and in the US.

It has been growing, since 2008 we’ve grown it 18 per cent a year compound which is a fabulous growth rate, and it’s now got to the same sort of investment as what we’ve got in the building products and clearly it will outgrow it. They both have their things that affect it. Often we’re waiting for a DA or approval in the property and maybe we haven’t got any new tenants so it can be variable as well. We have had the advantage of the cap rate compression which has really driven the profit over the last five years but that’s just about run its course, now I can’t see that will go much further. We’ll no doubt talk about the building products in a bit more detail in a few moments.

Yeah, I will get onto that in a second. I just wanted to quickly cover the interest in Washington H Soul Pattinson. Just for people that don’t really know, what sort of companies and sectors are they investing in?

Yeah, well they’re like an investment house, they like to think of themselves as a mini Berkshire Hathaway. The biggest investments are TPG which has just merged with Vodafone, New Hope Coal and ourselves. Besides that they’re involved in pharmaceuticals which is originally where they came from, they were chemists, and they have an investment portfolio of other listed companies, they’re involved in property themselves. It’s a very diverse company.

As you said you have had that near 40 per cent interest in them for I think it’s been a bit over four decades or something now. What benefit has that provided for Brickworks over that time?

It’s actually 52 years, so a fair while. It was originally $26 million, as I said it’s worth just shy of $2 billion. It’s given us a dividend at that period, they’re one of two companies on the stock exchange that have increased their dividend every year for the last 20 years and so that solid dividend really underpins our earnings and our ability to pay dividends. We listed in ’61 when the ASX opened and there was only one year we ever reduced dividend and that was in 1975. We have paid a dividend, it hasn’t always increased but it’s only ever gone backwards once. So I think potential shareholders of Brickworks can look forward to a strong dividend and basically the income from the property trust and the income from Soul Pattinson covers the Brickworks dividend.

As you said, there’s obviously not many companies that are actually increasing their dividend during COVID and I think you just paid out your interim dividend 20 cents which was up 1 cent from last time. Is that the main benefit of having that strong position in Washington H Soul Pattinson, is having that reliable dividend for shareholders?

Absolutely, that combined with the trust. Of course, the trust is growing quite rapidly and so the increases are coming off the increases in both the Soul dividend and increase in the property trust income. Effectively we’re paying out close enough to 100 per cent of those two streams to our shareholders and then the building products sort of pays for the running of the company and everything else.

Yeah, let’s move onto the Brickworks building products and as you said you’ve got one focussed on Australia and one focussed on North America. Just with that in mind, what impact has COVID had? Obviously, the situation has been a lot worse in America and then you’ve also had to deal with the riots which kind of came close to disrupting some of your operations. Could you elaborate on that?

Yeah, I’ll start with America. We were directly impacted by the fact that the governor in Pennsylvania closed down all operations so we had five plants go offline and all of our sales offices go offline. Having said that, within a month gradually we started to reopen those sales offices and reopen those factories. Really, we took the hit in the US very early in the piece, we had planned to consolidate our operations and so we just pushed that ahead in a couple of weeks and got that out of the way. As every week and month goes by the benefits of those decisions will play a greater role in improving profitability.

Basically, as the country has opened up, and it’s a county by county basis we’ve seen our sales return, they’re not as strong as we would like but because of the acquisitions we made they were still well up on what we were experiencing last year. As I said as the year goes by and we get the advantage of the consolidation we’ll see a further improvement in our profitability, but we are trading profitable in the US which was good. It was just in that tough period really through late March and April that we were sort of knocked around a bit.

Just with those US operations you’ve made three acquisitions I think it’s been over the last 18 months which boosted up your earnings a little bit. Could you outline just what those three acquisitions were and some detail about that?

Sure, we’re focussed in the Midwest through to the northeast, the original business was Glen-Gery which had a very long history and a very well-known company for architectural products. We boosted that with Sioux City Brick that had two quite modern plants in the Midwest. Then we bought Redland Brick which had two or three really quite modern plants, built since 2000, whereas Glen-Gery had quite a few old plants so we closed those old plants and consolidated into the new plants. They had a lot of plants that were running nine months of the year at sort of three-quarter capacity which is very inefficient. Our plan is to get all of our factories running all year at 100 per cent output and obviously get down the production costs. That’s where we’ll get our profitability, by getting our production costs down.

The interesting thing about this business is that the market would go into – two thirds of our market is what we call institutional work, there’s an architect involved, and so we do schools, hospitals, police stations, baseball fields, football fields, high rise buildings in New York, a lot of brick used in New York. All those buildings have to be inspected every five years and then the repairs have to be using the original product. A great example of that is the Chrysler Building which we supplied out of our Hanley plant in 1934, and we’re currently out of our Hanley plant supplying the bricks for the renovation of that building.

That’s obviously premium work and as I said it’s two thirds of our sales go into that sort of market so it’s not so much associated with housing.

Are you still on the hunt looking for more acquisitions? Are you in a position to do that cash wise or are you done for a little while?

I think we’ve got to focus on consolidating these and getting them right, and there’s a bit of work to be done there. Having said that we are really dominant in that area there, we’re three or four times the size of our nearest biggest competitor. The brick makers in the southern part of the US, they’ve got a long haul to come up to our area to compete and they don’t really make the sort of products that the market wants. No doubt over time someone comes knocking on our door and they’ve got a good proposition well we’ll listen to it. Our main focus is just to consolidate that and getting over this interruption we have had this year and getting back up on our feet.

You have had to make some tough decisions in terms of cutting costs and as you said quite a few of your plants were shut down and then there has been some redundancies I believe. What have you had to do to really get on top of your balance sheet throughout COVID?

Our main concern from day one was what the cash position was and make sure we get ourselves back into a cash positive situation and not building stock so we took off a number of plants over there which I said were retired, was I think the term we used. Here we had planned to take a production line off, so we took that off pretty quickly. Between the two businesses we dropped about 200 people out of 2,000, so about 10 per cent of the workforce and that wasn’t easy, none of those people we wanted to lose but it’s just one of the tough sorts of decisions you have to make in this environment.

That service has worked pretty well and we’re very happy where we are now, we’re destocking both in the US and here which is a very good situation to be in and so we’ll just keep motoring along. Here it’s a bit different to the US, we think the slowdown will hit us in the second half and we’re just sort of watching that closely, how it goes, because that’s a bit of a moving feast with what’s going on in Victoria.

Exactly. If we move focus to Australia for a bit, what are you expecting in the property space towards the second half of this year? There has been quite a bit of talk about property prices dropping and that sort of thing. What are you forecasting to happen?

I think there’s a couple of little parts to that. First of all apartments, because a lot of people that were in the hospitality and the tourism industry lived in apartments, a lot of those went home and so I think there was a surge initially with people leaving and high vacancy rates. However, I’ve got to say there was 60,000 Australians which have returned home and each of those need somewhere to go, no doubt that’s obviously taken up a fair bit of that space that was created. We did have a big rush in apartment construction so you have to say that market is most probably going to be hit more than the housing sector. Also, the stimulus that the government put forward doesn’t really work for apartments because the building industry has to get some percentage, 60 per cent or 80 per cent presold before they can start construction.

I think apartments will struggle, housing, on the other hand, the stimulus everywhere bar Sydney has really hit the mark and our reports are that builders have been doing astronomical numbers except up until this weekend of course in Victoria, which was obviously the closedown would have affected there again. There’d be a fair chance that that stimulus will be enough to pick up, sort of like a pothole in the road we expect to hit in about September, but we’re just going to have to wait and see how that pans out. Most forecasts are forecasting about 10 per cent or 15 per cent down for next year so really we’re at the bottom of the cycle and we were starting to come out around Christmas, this has come along, it’s really meant there’s maybe another year in the downturn cycle which means that the shortage for housing will just increase and the upturn will be a bit stronger when it finally comes.

From that building products division, how long are you expecting before you’re returning to those pre-COVID levels in terms of earnings?

I think it’d be 2022, the financial year ending June 22. I think this year coming was going to be knocked around a lot and for us that starts 1st of August. I think most of that problem will be this side of Christmas. There are other factors which are a bit hard to work out, is there a vaccine found and does that assist things getting up? Clearly there’s some sectors of the economy which aren’t going to return until such time as international travel returns.

I thought I’d just ask what you’re seeing as the most challenging aspect from the company’s perspective in terms of this year? I mean you have spoken about industrial property and the potential that that really has to take off. Is it really that building products area that you see as going to need the most focus and care over the next six months?

I think the decisions we have made have got us in a good position, as I said we are destocking and we’re running positive cash, so if the market holds how it is we should be able to sort of motor through. The areas that of course affect us more longer term is more around the energy area, is a major concern. We’ve got some big investments, we’ve outlined what we want to make in replacing plant equipment but it’s a bit of a worry when you think you can’t get long term gas supplies. That’s obviously not only on our end, other industries are going to be impacted by that sort of situation and the government really hasn’t done anything about it in which is now over a decade.

Just from the share price perspective, if you look at it over however long it’s been since you listed it’s been that really consistent growth. Then there was that big slump in March-April and it’s just sort of starting to recover now. Do you think investors are seeing the potential in that industrial property sector, that’s why the share price has boosted over the past month or two?

One of the issues is that investors tend to look at us just as bricks in New South Wales or something. The minute they see the housing market come off the share price gets slammed. They forget that 75 per cent of the company is in investments, the value of those has not been affected one iota by a downturn in housing. Yes, I think people are starting to now run the numbers over, these guys have got $2 billion, they’ve just said by the time these two buildings are finished in the states it’s going to be worth $3 billion, this is really growing, this is really something.

You can see very quickly it’s going to become a very major part of the assets that we hold in the longer term. It’s just a matter of just taking our time and developing those assets.

Great, well we might leave it there, Lindsay, thanks a lot for your time.

My pleasure, thank you very much.

That was Lindsay Partridge, the Managing Director of Brickworks.

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