The Real Drivers of M&A
Undergeared and awash with excess capital Australian companies are now competing with investors to capitalise on a booming stockmarket, says Charlie Aitken.
Rates To Rise?
It's looking like rates will rise again, possibly before Christmas, says economist Stephen Koukoulas who has been closely studying the RBA statistics.
Property Pulse
Don't overlook the potential of single-bedroom properties says Mark Armstrong who found just one single bedroom unit for auction in the Brisbane market this week.
NAB's Big Gamble
The latest business lending figures show NAB building its loan book at twice the pace of the wider market, it's a gamble that could be a win for the troubled bank and a blow for rival Westpac, writes Michael Pascoe.
INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT: Michael Pascoe Interviews Michael Hawker
INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT: Michael Pascoe Interviews Michael Hawker
The Right Stuff
Insurance leader IAG is about to face a tougher market but chief executive Michael Hawker has got what it takes, says Michael Pascoe who also interviews Hawker on video.
Get Out Of The House Now!
Are you stuck with a big house in a middle suburb? If you think it could be hard to sell now, it's going to get a lot worse. Sell now and start again, says Mark Armstrong and Fiona Marsden.
Shock Proof
The global economy can withstand oil price increases says ANZ's chief economist Saul Eslake in a chart presentation
Well Oiled
Woodside is a first-class stock that should be kept on every investor's radar screen, says Mike Mangan
Dig It!
The Australian broking community is getting the resource cycle grossly wrong, writes Charlie Aitken, who thinks that even higher commodity prices will be sustainable
Surfing The Super Wave
AMP is back among the blue chips, says Eureka Report associate editor Michael Pascoe who also interviews AMP chief executive, Andrew Mohl on video.
Property Pulse
Economists will be delighted to read improved RBA house price data, but for most investors what really matters is statistics from the neighbourhood not the nation, says Mark Armstrong.
"Super" Salary Packaging Is Back
Salary packaging into superannuation is back in favour after the scrapping of the superannuation surcharge, writes Barbara Smith
Sell Down
Through offloading the Myer department stores Coles Myer will intensify the market's greatest retail battle says former Myer executive Ross Honeywill.
New World Order
Global share investors look to China and Asia for the real drivers of the world economy as the US staggers and oil prices increase faster than expected, writes Jonathan Pain.